Solar Power By: Marissa Bohlman and Brittany Marshall
Basics The cleanest, most abundant renewable energy source available Richest solar resources Photovoltaic's, heating and cooling, concentrating solar power, lighting Centralized and decentralized
Production 1700 kWh/m^2 per year
Snow With Solar Panels No big issue Melts fast Too steep to build up Slippery
Passive Solar Through windows Heats and gives off light FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can have passive solar and active solar Windows have to be facing sun though
Photovolatic An electronic process that occurs naturally in certain types of material- semiconductors Power big and small electric devices US= 4 th largest market for PV instillation
Prices Drastically dropping 1970= $150 per watt 1998= $4.50 per watt
Cars With Solar Toyota Prius 2011 Smart Car Ways they are helping world
Future or Present?
Compatible With Others Can work with other types of energy Geothermal Natural gas (extra power if needed)
Citations Winner_Group142/ Winner_Group142/ Winner_Group142/ nd_products/solar_electric_photovoltaic nd_products/solar_electric_photovoltaic nd_products/solar_electric_photovoltaic