REGION V CRC 2010 hosted by Cincinnati Chapter Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) RVC Report
REGION V CTTC – Regional Highlights 10 of 13 Chapters attended 2009 CRC Training (7-Chairs) 8 DLs visited Region V in , all allocations were utilized. 2 Society Technology Award in 2009, both in Second-Place: “Commercial – New”: Stephan Weidner & Jerome Doerger (Cincinnati) “Institutional – New”: Robert Roop (Detroit) 2 First-Place Regional Technology Award winners were awarded in July The winners will continue to Society level competition!! Chapter CTTC speeches/visits to Detroit and Toledo 7 of 13 Chapters reached PAR, 6 reported below PAR
REGION V CTTC – Society Highlights New DL list was published, with retired and newly added DLs, the total DLs changed from 75 to 70. Society has a total of 110 DL allocations, 160 DL chapter visits for and 134 DL visits in Category changes in Society Technology Award program which is effective, or will be effective after Las Vegas conference: (1) Residential “New” and “Existing”, “Single” and “Multi” Family have been merged into one category. (2) Educational “New” and “Existing” categories will be added. (3) Existing award “Point System” is being reviewed to reflect technology trend. April 11, 2010 Satellite Webcast in topic of “Commissioning for High Performing Buildings” was successful: 57 chapters registered, 12,380 viewers Satellite topic will be “Geothermal Heat Pumps”.
REGION V CTTC - Challenges Only 7/13 chapter CTTC chairs attended workshop last year. Other CTTC chairs also served as chapters’ presidents or president-elects. They could not attend both workshops at the same time slot. A few chapters were not active in CTTC PAOE online input. A few chapters were not active on various CTTC award submissions, especially the Technology Award. Region V has a good record in recent years in receiving society-level awards. Don’t be hesitated to submit.
REGION V CTTC – RVC - MBO CTTC MBO Region V Wei Sun PriorityObjectiveMeasurement DeviceDue DateStatus 1Attend Society Annual (summer) meetingAttendance6/24/2009complete 1 Introduction letter to all Chapter CTTC Chairs before CRC 7/20/2009complete 180% chapter participation at CRCPresence8/1/ of 13 1Conduct CTTC Workshop at CRCAttendance8/1/2009complete 1Receive 1 to 2 Society-level awardsAttendance11/12/20092 awards, complete 1Visit 3 chaptersAttendance6/30/20102 chapters 1 Communications with Chapter CTTC Chairs, Chapter Presidents and DRC s/Reportson going 1 Discuss with Chapter CTTC Chairs for status on activities and PAOE input /phoneon going 1Serve as Liaison with Society TCs, Section 5Attendance/Reporton going 1Assign and approve available DL's to chapters /phone6/30/20108 (8 allocations) 1 Attend Society Winter meeting / summarize regional report to Society Attendance1/28/2010complete