Nottingham Physical Education Mr. Giusto & Ms. Pugh Health and PE Specialists School Year
Physical Education Goals: The purpose of physical education is to develop physically literate students- students who acquire the knowledge, process, skills, and confidence needed to make healthy and engage in meaningful physical activity both in the present and for a lifetime. As a result of physical education instruction, the student will be able to: Acquire, apply, and evaluate movement concepts and strategies to respond confidently, competently, and creatively in a variety of physical activity settings. Access, evaluate, and synthesize health-related information to protect, enhance, and advocate for health, well-being, safety, and participation in physical activity across a lifespan. Enjoy and engage in regular movement-based learning experiences and understand and appreciate their significance to personal, social, cultural, and environmental health practices and outcomes.
Physical Education Strands: The content of the Standards of Learning for physical education is organized around the following five essential strands of health and physical development and application: Motor Skill Development Motor Skill Development Anatomical Basis of Movement Anatomical Basis of Movement Fitness Planning Fitness Planning Social Development Social Development Energy Balance Energy Balance The combination of these five goals leads students toward being able to lead an active, healthy lifestyle skillfully, knowledgeably, responsibly, and vigorously.
Physical Education Weekly Schedule… MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Moore & PriceReadyMoore & PriceMoore & ZipfelZipfel Ready & Zipfel Metz & Sevier Mendelson & Sevier Mendelson & Metz Price & Ready Sevier***MetzMatthewsMendelson Matthews & Wysocki TarpeyMatthewsTarpey & Wyscoki Tarpey & Wysocki BiechmanStempBiechman***Barnett Barnett & Griffin***StempMedenGriffin Anderson & CostaCosta & JensenCasey & MedenAnderson & GrayGray & Jensen Casey & AllenKatoenAllen & Katoen Casey & Meden Mr. Giusto & Ms. Pugh team-teach all classes Mr. Giusto & Ms. Pugh team-teach all classes PE activities take place primarily in the gym, but at times class may occur in the Multi-Purpose room, on the blacktop or on the back field. PE activities take place primarily in the gym, but at times class may occur in the Multi-Purpose room, on the blacktop or on the back field.
APS Physical Education Guidelines for Dress Students should wear comfortable clothes that will not inhibit their performance during class. Students should wear comfortable clothes that will not inhibit their performance during class. Students should not wear jewelry that impedes safe participation. Students should not wear jewelry that impedes safe participation. Students should wear shoes that provide support on the entire foot. The shoes should have rubber soles, toes and heels along with support on the top of the foot. We prefer tennis shoes to be worn. Students should wear shoes that provide support on the entire foot. The shoes should have rubber soles, toes and heels along with support on the top of the foot. We prefer tennis shoes to be worn. Please notify us and the clinic with any medical issues or concerns you may Please notify us and the clinic with any medical issues or concerns you may have regarding your child’s participation in PE. Please provide a note if it is necessary for your child to miss a PE class. A doctor’s note is required if your child will be missing PE for an extended period of time. have regarding your child’s participation in PE. Please provide a note if it is necessary for your child to miss a PE class. A doctor’s note is required if your child will be missing PE for an extended period of time.
Physical Education Grading Policy Kindergarten Demonstrates fundamental movements Demonstrates fundamental movements Engages in vigorous physical activity Engages in vigorous physical activity Demonstrates cooperation and respects self Demonstrates cooperation and respects self Respects and follows class rules Respects and follows class rules B =Child is beginning to demonstrate a behavior or skill. B =Child is beginning to demonstrate a behavior or skill. P =Child is in the process of developing a behavior or skill. Student partially meets the standard. P =Child is in the process of developing a behavior or skill. Student partially meets the standard. M =Child consistently meets behavior or skill. M =Child consistently meets behavior or skill.
Physical Education Grading Policy Grades 1 and 2 P = Child is making expected progress P = Child is making expected progress N = Child needs more time N = Child needs more time To determine whether a P or N is appropriate many factors are considered, To determine whether a P or N is appropriate many factors are considered, including effort, achievement, participation and skill level. including effort, achievement, participation and skill level.
Physical Education Grading Policy Grades 3-5 Achievement Marking Code: Achievement Marking Code: S = Satisfactory – Child is making expected progress U = Unsatisfactory – Child is not making expected progress Effort Marking Code (Based on Effort Rubric): Effort Marking Code (Based on Effort Rubric): O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory Please reference Effort Rubric in Back-to-School packet Please reference Effort Rubric in Back-to-School packet
Looking forward to a great year!