Mrs. Dee Anna Self
Bo-Time! Mexican Food Arby’s Fatz Dark Chocolate Coffee Coke The color LIME GREEN!!!! Sour candy Gummy bears
The A~B~C’s of Mrs. Self’s Classroom
Special Area 9:10-10:00: Monday: Music Tuesday: Art Wednesday: PE *TENNIS SHOES* Thursday: Dance Friday: Drama Lunch 11:40-12:05 *Outside food will NOT be allowed in lunchroom. This is against the school food service contract.
On the green post-it note please write your child’s name and how they will be picked up this year. NOTE: CHANGES MUST BE MADE IN WRITING!! Bus Daycare Front Car ~ 1 st, 3 rd, and 4 th grades Back Car ~ K, 2 nd, and 5 th grades Students with siblings or in groups should report to area of the oldest sibling or student in the group.
Parents are required to register EVERY student in the district (new or returning). This takes place of the packet of paperwork you normally get. Calhoun Medical Information Sheet