ALABAMA TECHNOLGY STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS Ethical Issues of Technology Presented by: Shirley Johnson & Keisha D. Smith
What is Ethical Use of Technologies in Schools? Decisions made about right or wrong Responsible use of technology Choices made and values behind them (moral judgments), when decisions are made Does not impact negatively on oneself, and other individuals, or society
Acceptable Use Technologies in Schools Correct behavior Policies set up by school districts to insure acceptable use, rule of behavior and access privileges. Penalties for violation of the policies and sanctions
Acceptable for Users Accountable for what you do Responsible for the confidentiality of passwords Use the system only for its designed purposes Refrain from illegal activities, and unethical or obscene online behavior Do not try to access system areas for which they do not have authorization
Ethics on what not to do Use a computer to harm other people Interfere with other people’s computer work Snoop in other people’s computers files Use a computer to steel Use a computer to bear false witness
Ethics on what not to do Copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid Use other people’s computer resources without authorization or proper compensation Appropriate other people’s intellectual output Computer Ethics Institute Htt://
Obligations of the Teacher Provide acceptable use guidelines including specific sites that may be used for research. Teach students to test the reliability and authenticity of a website. Provide instruction as to appropriate response if inappropriate content appears on the computer screen. Teach and require appropriate citations to avoid plagiarism. Use technologies in ways that support the curriculum. Provide instruction, guidance, and supervision for students in the ethical, acceptable, and, appropriate use of the Internet and other technologies.
Instructional Technology Ethical Issues Conflicts of Interest Diversity and inequality Copyright laws Confidentiality Web accessibility Professionalism
Feedback from Workshop Participants Examples of unethical behaviors in the workplace: Making programs for church or service club on company computers and papers. Being on facebook, myspace, or dating sites while you are at work. Cheating on tests. Not following the rules & regulations.
The end!