WRC–12 Industry Debrief 23 April 2012 Agenda Items 1.1 Deletion of country footnotes 2 Incorporation by Reference 4 Review of ITU-R Resolutions and Recommendations.


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Presentation transcript:

WRC–12 Industry Debrief 23 April 2012 Agenda Items 1.1 Deletion of country footnotes 2 Incorporation by Reference 4 Review of ITU-R Resolutions and Recommendations Presenter: Alex Seneta

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 1.1 Deletion of Country Footnotes >To consider and take appropriate action on requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, taking into account Resolution 26 (Rev. WRC 07). >This item updates footnotes in Article 5 of the RR.

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 1.1 Australian position pre WRC-12 >Australia supports the principles and intent of the Agenda item for administrations to review and request removal of their name from footnotes should they no longer be required. Otherwise any variation of footnotes must be in accordance with Resolution 26 (Rev. WRC-07) >The applicability of country and regional footnotes relevant to Australia was reviewed and Australia proposed no changes to any of these under this Agenda item.

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 1.1 During WRC-12 >As Australia did not want to make changes under this item, work involved watching over submissions of other countries, in particular to add country names to footnotes, to make sure additions did not adversely affect Australia. Additions were checked - believed to not adversely impact Australia. >While this Agenda item is to facilitate the deletion of country footnotes, the RRs make provision for their addition. The process for addition was discussed at great length at Plenary, and clear guidance was provided in the form of two notes from the Chair (Documents 168 & 193). >In total, 272 proposals were made to the drafting group. >Proposal by UAE to redefine the Agenda item to include addition of footnotes. Opposed by Australia, APT, others, including CITEL.

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 2 Incorporation by Reference >to examine the revised ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations communicated by the Radiocommunication Assembly, in accordance with Resolution 28 (Rev.WRC-03), and to decide whether or not to update the corresponding references in the Radio Regulations, in accordance with principles contained in Annex 1 to Resolution 27 (Rev. WRC-07). Recommendations already in RR Volume 4 updated to include changes during pre-WRC study period, updating of corresponding RR references not in RR Volume 4, but eligible to be there. Incorporation by reference. Review RR references to Recommendations – mandatory or not Review of aspects of Resolutions 27,28 and associated Annexes

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 2 Australian position pre WRC >Australia supported the updating of six ITU-R Recommendations revised and approved during the study period prior to WRC-12 (already included in Volume 4) >Australia supported the inclusion of Recommendation ITU- R M in Volume 4. CPM report noted this was not in Volume 4 despite being consistent with the principle of incorporation by reference >Australia supported inclusion of a cross reference table between Recommendations incorporated by reference and RR provisions and footnotes where they are referenced >Australian position consistent with APT

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 2 During WRC-12 >39 proposals were transmitted from the Radiocommunication Assembly, including the seven considered previously by Australia. >This item is largely collaborative, seeking the most accurate update to the RR within the scope of this item. >Of the seven items on which Australia held positions, all were addressed. >A cross reference table, and changes to implement this table, were agreed. >Certain footnotes and provisions containing references to Recommendations were clarified to show whether mandatory or non-mandatory.

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 4 Review of ITU-R Resolutions and Recommendations >In accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev. WRC-07), to review the Resolutions and Recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation. >Before WRC-12 there were 169 Resolutions and Recommendations in RR Volume 3 >Resolution 95 involves reviewing Resolutions and Recommendations which are and aren’t related to Conference items. Of those not related, updating and modifying due to being out of date/correcting obvious omissions, inconsistencies, ambiguities or editorial errors/ effecting any necessary alignment. >No substantive changes to be made under this item.

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 4 Australian position pre WRC-12 >Australia supports the updating of the RRs’ Resolutions and Recommendations at each WRC and the work of the Director of the BR in conducting a general review of Resolutions and Recommendations of previous WRCs to ensure they remain current and relevant. >Australia has reviewed the status and content of all Resolutions and Recommendations of the RRs and supports the APT Common Proposal to WRC-12 on this Agenda item. >The APT Common Proposal contained a table of ‘Comments on WARC/WRC Resolutions and Recommendations in response to Resolution 95 (Rev WRC-07)’. Australia participated heavily in preparation of this table and supported most aspects of the positions.

WRC–12 Industry Debrief Agenda item 4 During WRC-12 >Chaired by APT’s Dr Hashimoto. >Various subsets of the 169 Resolutions and Recommendations in Volume 3 where considered at various times. >146 Res & Rec considered related to WRC-12 Agenda items. 38 sent to other Committees for consideration. >Watching brief to ensure no substantive changes to Res 646 (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) and 224 (International Mobile Telecommunications below 1 GHz) under this Agenda item.