EDU. 102. PSYCHOLOGY OF THE LEARNER SEMESTER I UNIT 1 : Introduction to Educational Psychology UNIT 2 : Learners Development UNIT 3 : Learners Intelligence and creativity UNIT 4 : Understanding Learner Diversities UNIT 5 : Learners Personality And Adjustment
Origin or Evolution of Psychology Study of Soul –psyche+logos=soul+study/science Plato and Aristotle Study of Mind Study of Consciousness William James and Wilhelm Wundt ‘Introspection’ Science of Behaviour William mc Dougall in 1905 and J.B Watson in 1913 “First psychology lost its soul, then its mind, then it lost its consciousness, it still has behaviour of a sort” - Woodworth (1948)
Definitions of Psychology “Psychology is a Science which aims to give us better understanding and control of the behaviour of the organism as a whole” - William Mc Dougall (1908) “Psychology is the Science of behaviour” - J. B. Watson (1913)
Nature of Psychology Psychology is a positive science which describes what is It is a behavioural science which deals with the behaviour of an organism
Approaches to Psychology Psycho- Analytical Approach (Freud) Behaviourism (John. B. Watzon) Humanistic Approach Constructivist Approach
Branches of Psychology PURE PSYCHOLOGY APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY General Psychology Abnormal Psychology Social Psychology Experimental Psychology Physiological Psychology. Developmental Psychology Industry Medicine Criminology Defence Education.
Educational Psychology Its an applied psychology Application of psychology in the field of education Application of theories, principles, techniques, researches, approaches of psychology in the field of education
Definitions “Educational psychology is that branch of psychology which deals with teaching and learning” - B. F. Skinner (1958) “Educational psychology is the science of education” - Peel (1956)
Relationship between Education and Psychology “A teacher want to teach French to Shyam, should want to know both Shyam and French” To know the child To know the potentialities and capacities To control the learning environment To shape the learning experience
Scope of Educational Psychology It concern the learner or Pupil Innate abilities or capacities Individual differences Conscious or unconscious behaviour Characteristics of growth and development
Scope of Educational Psychology It concern the Learning experience Techniques Deciding the kind of learning experiences Conscious or unconscious behaviour Characteristics of growth and development
Scope of Educational Psychology It concern Learning process Nature of the Learning process Principles and theories of learning Remembering and forgetting Thinking and reasoning
Scope of Educational Psychology It concern Learning situation or environment Classroom climate Group dynamics Usage of teaching learning aids Guidance and counselling
Scope of Educational Psychology It concern the teacher To know himself Conflict, anger, motivation, adjustment, level of aspiration etc Personality of the teacher
Methods of Educational Psychology Experimental Method:an experiment is a question put to nature-it is a systamatic study-a kind of controlled observation .experimenter,subject “Can attention be divided or not?” Survey Method /field investigation-sample Case Study Method
How to conduct a Case Study Give due recognition and respect to his individuality Establish a good rapport (connection) Know his personal identity, past history, behaviour, relationship, problems, feelings etc Deep investigation in a comprehensive way Can use a pre prepared format for data collection Collect all relevant data about the person from him and others related to him Find the probable causes of his behaviour Remediation and suggestions
Data in Case Study Personal data including problems (emotional, social and education) Birth information Health record Family data Socio-economic status Level of intelligence and creativity (opinion from teachers and parents)
Data in Case Study Educational record Areas of interest Adjustment Behaviour in the classroom Personality traits Educational and vocational ambitions etc Follow up work
Merits of Case Study Can get a more detailed picture of the individual This method uses observation, interviews and tests etc for data collection Solves deep rooted problems of an individual Helps to solve personality, behavioural and adjustment problems It has a wide and comprehensive scope The study is more subjective, reliable and valid
Demerits of Case Study Need special training and efficiency Generalisation is not possible Some times the collected data may be fake It has limited scope We can’t ensure the objectivity, reliability & validity Time consuming
2 Marks Questions Limitations of experimental method in Education Psychology What is meant by behaviourist approach in Psychology Define educational psychology What you know about Freud’s Psycho- Analytical Approach Write a brief note on Humanistic Approach What is Constructivist Approach What is Survey Method
4 Marks Questions Advantages and disadvantages of experimental method Explain the merits and demerits of case study method First psychology lost its soul, then its mind, then it lost its consciousness, it still has behaviour of a sort”- Comment Briefly explain the nature of psychology Psychology is a positive science. Explain Write a short note on different approaches to psychology Differentiate between Humanistic and Constructivist Approaches to education Prepare short note on Experimental Method, Survey Method and Case Study Method Suppose you identify a case in your class. How to conduct a case study for that case
10 Mark Questions Explain the scope of educational psychology in the teaching learning process
Different methods of psychology 1-EXPERIMENTAL METHOD: An experiment is a question put to nature. -Experimenter -subject Independent &Dependent variables -Indipendent/experiment/stimulus/cause:The aspect of environment which is experimentally studied. -Dependent/response/effect:The resulting change in behaviour is called dependent variable. “Can attention be divided or not”?
Merits &Demerits Most scientific and objective Helps to solve problems in education Special skills needed Mood of the subject will reflect the result Not to be more accurate like pure sciences Prolonged experiments negate the cooperation from the subject Experiments conducted in animals cant be extrapolated to humans.
2-Introspection Reflection of one’s own experience Introspect means”look within” E.B Tichener –student of wilhelm wundt- Wilhelm wundt-leipzig –Germany-psychological lab It is not applicable for animals,child and abnormal people. This method used to find out psycho-somatic case(Doctors).
3-Observation It is a systematic goal directed method. Unlike introspection “it is looking outside oneself” ---natural observation. without their awareness of being observed. Playground,library,class room etc
--participant observation observer become a part of the group which he wants to observe. -perfect “rapport”is needed. -necessary to prepare a detailed shedule-for systamatic observation.
4- Survey method-Field investigation For to extend the boundaries of investigation to wider field. Observations are under natural conditions Selection of sample-from population. Random sample Stratified sample