AGACC II: WP3: Aerosol properties and radiative forcing at Uccle Veerle De Bock Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
Work Package 3: AEROSOL Task 3.1: Aerosol algorithms improvement Task 3.2: Aerosol measurements at Uccle Task 3.3: Aerosol data interpretation
Task Brewer SSA retrieval Task 3.1 Aerosol algorithms improvement
Sensitivity of the SSA retrieval algorithm to the input parameters: Task 3.1 Aerosol algorithms improvement Min differenceMax differenceMin % differenceMax % difference Intensity + 5%0,020,222,20%181,82% Intensity - 5%-0,03-0,25-3,30%-91,82% Ozone + 5%0,010,161,10%103,23% Ozone – 5%0,01-0,141,49%-90,91% AOD + 0,080,010,411,10%336,91% AOD – 0,08-0,01-0,45-1,01%-92,63%
Task Routine Brewer operation Task Lidar measurements Task 3.2 Aerosol measurements at Uccle
Data from both Brewer instruments is continuously stored and regularly checked => submitted to WOUDC database AOD time series kept up to date Analysis of 21 year time series of simultaneous UV, global radiation, ozone and AOD measurements => paper to be submitted Task Routine Brewer operation
coherent network of European Brewer Spectrophotometer monitoring stations harmonize operations + develop approaches, practices and protocols to achieve consistency in quality control, quality assurance and coordinated operations WG 1: instrument characterization and calibration WG 2: algorithms development WG 3: network governance and data management WG 4: users, public outreach and applications COST ES EUBREWNET
MLH algorithm => validation by comparison with: ° radiosoundings ° ECMWF ° ALARO7 Quality control flags Task Lidar measurements
EUMETNET: E-PROFILE => operational LIDAR ceilometer network => exchange of backscatter profiles in a standard format => archive of communicated data and metadata COST: TOPROF (Towards operational ground based profiling with ceilometers, doppler lidars and microwave radiometers for improving weather forecasts) => coordinated operation of ceilometers in Europe => quality controlled + calibrated observations in near real time => technical and scientific background for E-PROFILE Task Lidar
–Task 3.3.1: Comprehensive data set of aerosol optical properties –Task 3.3.2: Aerosol modeling with Chimere and OPAC –Task 3.3.3: Aerosol sources from backtrajectories Task 3.3 Aerosol data interpretation
Collaboration with BIRA Comparison of cloud screening Comparison of total AOD Task Comprehensive aerosol data set
CHIMERE (µg/m³)OPAC (particles/cm³) BCSoot DustMineral (coarse mode) NH 3 + H 2 SO 4 + HNO 3 Soluble OC + PPM + SOAInsoluble SaltSeasalt (coarse mode) Task Aerosol modeling with Chimere and OPAC Input parameters: MLH: from soundings or ALADIN model output RH: from synoptical station at Uccle
Task Aerosol modeling with Chimere and OPAC ModeledMeasuredCorrelation AODOPAC 300nmBrewer 306nm0,34 OPAC 350nmBrewer 340nm0,41 OPAC 500nmCimel 500nm0,54 SSAOPAC 450nmCimel 440nm0,04
Task Aerosol modeling with Chimere and OPAC OPAC SSA 350nmOPAC AOD 350nm RH class0,680,08 MLH-0,340,36 Seasalt-0,390,27 Water soluble0,390,59 Mineral-0,270,29 Insoluble-0,030,00 Soot-0,60-0,03 Correlation between modeled SSA/AOD and input parameters:
Task Aerosol sources from backtrajectories Trajectories between 1990 and 2010: =>12 clusters
Task Aerosol sources from backtrajectories
Cloudscreening for Brewer AOD measurements Continuous Brewer data (data submission, data analysis, COST) Continuous Lidar data (backscatter profiles, MLH, cloud base height, COST, EUMETNET) CHIMERE + OPAC First results of backtrajectory analysis To conclude: what have we done so far?
Calibration of Brewer instruments Installation of nephelometer Installation of 3 new lidars: Zeebrugge, Diepenbeek, Humain Continue collaboration with BIRA Fine-tuning OPAC Continue backtrajectory analysis To conclude: future planning
Thank you for your attention!