Chronic Atmospheric Releases Using GENII V.2 EXAMPLE Dose Calculation for Chronic Atmospheric Releases Using GENII V.2 FRAMES-2.0 Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, Maryland November 15-16, 2007 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, Washington
2 PurposePurpose Demonstrate Common Dose Calculation Source term from AP-1000 Design Control Document Annual-average release Long-term release and environmental accumulation (30 years) Acquire Atmospheric Dispersion Data from Public Source EPA Center for Environmental Assessment Modeling Solar and Meteorological Surface Observation Network (SAMSON) Augusta, GA, airport Automatically convert to GENII format Individual and Population Dose for 2 Age Groups Approximate population distribution from EIS
3 Problem Description Leakage of radioactive gases from the reactor Waste Gas System, building ventilation, Condenser Air Removal System, and Fuel Handling Area are released through roof vents atop the 70 m x 100 m building complex. Two 200-meter cooling towers are located to the south. Estimate annual radiation doses after 30 years of plant operation to nearby individuals and the regional population.
4 Source Term Definition Table (Sheet 1 of 3) EXPECTED ANNUAL AVERAGE RELEASE OF AIRBORNE RADIONUCLIDES AS DETERMINED BY THE PWR-GALE CODE, REVISION 1 (RELEASE RATES IN Ci/yr) Noble Gases(1) Waste Gas Cont. AuxiliaryTurbineCondenserTotal SystemBuildingBuildingBuildingAir Removal Kr-85m0. 3.0E E E E+01 Kr E E E E E+03 Kr E E E E+01 Kr E E E E+01 Xe-131m1.42E E E E E+03 Xe-133m0. 8.5E E E+01 Xe E E E E E+03 Xe-135m0. 2.0E E E E+00 Xe E E E E+02 Xe E E E E+00 Total1.1E+04 Additionally: H-3 released via gaseous pathway 350 C-14 released via gaseous pathway 7.3 Ar-41 released via containment vent 34
7 ModulesModules Source, Atmospheric Transport GENII Radionuclide Database Selection Source (User-defined source term) – AFF Air Module GENII V.2 Chronic Plume Dispersion Module GnuPlot Viewer Exposure/Intake/Risk GENII V.2 Exposure Pathways Module GENII V.2 Receptor Intakes Module GENII V.2 Health Impacts Module GENII V.2 Report Generator
9 Constituent Database
10 “Source-Term” Module Input
11 Atmospheric Dispersion Module Input
12 Atmospheric Dispersion Module Input
13 Atmospheric Dispersion Module Output
14 Chronic Exposure Module Input
15 Intake Module
16 Impacts Module
17 Report Generator
18 Output Results
19 Modification: Joint Frequency Data Sometimes hourly data may not be available Joint frequency of occurrence of categories of wind speed, stability, and direction are common JFD files may be converted to pseudo- hourly data with some assumptions using GENII utilities
20 Joint Frequency Data Sources
21 Modification: X/Q Input Data
22 SummarySummary GENII V.2 has many capabilities for evaluating releases of radionuclides into the atmosphere Source terms may be input directly; future enhancements may include “GALE-like” features Meteorology input may come as: Hourly data (preferred) Joint Frequency X/Q Tables Environmental models may require a lot of data Doses can be calculated various ways, to many types of individual or population group