David and Anna are talking about the problem of garbage and how it damages the environment. (D = David, A = Anna) Conversation.


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Presentation transcript:

David and Anna are talking about the problem of garbage and how it damages the environment. (D = David, A = Anna) Conversation

D: Humans produce too much garbage nowadays. It is really bad for the environment. A: I know. We often see piles of junk everywhere. Here is a shocking fact for you. Do you know that about twenty-five million plastic bottles are used in the United States every hour?

D: Every hour! That’s awful. A: That’s why I’m trying to reduce my personal trash production. For example, I always recycle glass, plastic, and paper. D: Me, too. And I usually use recycled materials to design pieces of art for my house.

A: What a good idea! In addition to recycling, I always carry a shopping bag with me every time I go shopping. D: That’s good. Plastic bags pollute the earth, too. A: I also avoid buying products that have too many wrappers.

D: So, there are many ways for us to reduce the amount of trash we produce, but I’m afraid there still aren’t enough people worldwide doing this. A: That’s why the earth is becoming more and more polluted! 結束放映

1.damage  vt. 損害

2. produce [  ] vt. 生產

3. production [  ] n. [U] 產量

4. in addition to 除 …… 之外 ( 還 )

5. amount [  ] n. [C] 數量

1. Here is a shocking fact for you. 文法一點通 Here/There + V + S 是以地方副詞為首 的倒裝句,但如果後面的主詞是代名詞 的話,主詞須置於動詞之前而不必倒裝。 例: ‧ Here is your jacket. ‧ Here comes the bus. ‧ Here it is.

2. That’s why.... That’s why.... 可視為 That’s the reason why.... 省略的結果,表示「那就是為什 麼 …… 」之意,口語中常用來陳述原因。

3. What a good idea! 此為感嘆句用法,可改寫為 What a good idea it is! 或是 How good an idea it is! 。

4. In addition to recycling, I always carry a shopping bag with me every time I go shopping. (1) in addition to 為介系詞片語,後面接 名詞或動名詞,表示「除了 …… 之外 ( 還 ) 」。例: ‧ In addition to being a nurse, Joan is also an artist. ‧ In addition to French, Diana can speak Japanese.

(2) carry sth with sb 表示「某人攜帶某 物」。例: ‧ Arthur always carries an umbrella with him. 4. In addition to recycling, I always carry a shopping bag with me every time I go shopping.

(3) every time 表示「每當 …… ,每 次 …… 」之意,相當於 whenever 。 例: ‧ Lesley always goes to the movies every time she feels sad. 4. In addition to recycling, I always carry a shopping bag with me every time I go shopping.

5. avoid + V-ing avoid + V-ing 表示「避免 …… 」之意。 例 : ‧ Avoid using plastic bags and save the planet!

6....I’m afraid there still aren’t.... I’m afraid (that).... 在此用於表達擔心, 可以用 I’m worried that.... 替換。例: ‧ Because of the traffic jam, I’m afraid that I’d miss the train.