AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, 11-13.05.2005, Suitbert Ramberger 1 The Normal Conducting Magnets and their Circuits Suitbert Ramberger, AT-MEL-MI.


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Presentation transcript:

AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 1 The Normal Conducting Magnets and their Circuits Suitbert Ramberger, AT-MEL-MI

AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 2 The Normal Conducting Magnets and their Circuits  What will be their initial condition?  What is relevant to hardware commissioning from previous tests?  What shall be tested during hardware commissioning?

AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 3 Normal Conducting Magnets and their Circuits  Normal Conducting LHC Magnets and Circuits  Magnet Tests at Manufacturers & CERN  Installation of NC Magnets  Objectives for Commissioning NC Magnets  Initial Conditions after Installation  Electrical Quality Assurance

AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 4 Normal Conducting LHC Magnets 5 MSI (in series) 6 MBIBH (in series) 4 MQI 1 MCIA 7 PCs in SR2 5 MSI (in series) 7 MBIAH (in series) 4 MQI 6 MCIA 12 PCs in SR8 4 MQWB 8 MCBW 12 PCs in UJ MQWA (Q4 and Q5) 12 MBW (D3 and D4) 3 PCs in SR3 Water cooled cables! 2 MBXWT 1 MBWMD 3 PCs in SR2 12 MBXW (D1) 1 PC in SR1 2 MBXWS 1 MBXWH 3 PCs in SR MQWA (Q4, Q5) 8 MBW (D3, D4) 3 PCs in SR7 12 MBXW (D1) 1 PC in SR5 2x15 MSD 2 PCs in SR6 4 MQWB 8 MCBW 12 PCs in UJ76

AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 5 Magnet Tests at Manufacturers & CERN Tests at Manufacturers  Leak Test 30bar)  Flow Test 4bar)  Magnet Resistance  Ground Insulation 2kV)  Thermo-Switch Test  TS Insulation 500V)  Geom. Meas. (Sagittas, Twist)  Magnetic Measurement –BINP, IHEP Tests at CERN  Leak Test 30bar)  Flow Test 4bar)  Magnet Resistance  Magnet Inductance  Ground Insulation 2kV)  Thermo-Switch Resistance  Geom. Meas. (Target Setting)  Magnetic Measurement –MQW + samples MB..W..

AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 6 Normal-Conducting Magnet Installation  Magnet Transport in Tunnels (TS-IC)  Magnet Transfer on Supports (AT-MEL, TS-IC)  Connection of Water (TS-CV)  Balancing of Water Circuit (TS-CV)  Connection of Current and Interlock Cables, and Grounding (TS-EL)  Magnet Alignment (TS-SU)  Vacuum Chamber Connection (AT-VAC)  Vacuum Chamber Bake-Out (AT-VAC)

AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 7 Hardware Commissioning of NC magnets Objectives of Hardware Commissioning Verify that ‘what you see is what you get’:  Magnet is properly connected to the right power supply  Magnet receives the right amount of current  Magnet polarity is correct Safety – ‘that you see if you don’t get’:  Magnet is protected (Interlock, WIC, Grounding) Collect data:  for other systems (e.g. circuit resistance for power converters)  for maintenance and repair (e.g. resistance to check for degradation)

AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 8 Initial Conditions after Installation Conditions for the Electrical Quality-Assurance Initial Conditions:  Magnets tested in workshop  Current cables tested in-situ –Insulation –Water cooled cables in IR3  Magnets connected to cables, water supply and water circuit balanced  Power cables not connected to the power converters Test Conditions:  Access to powering area limited and controlled (around magnets and PCs)

AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 9 ELQA of the NC Magnet Circuits Electrical Quality Assurance Test (IST:WELQA) Tests of the whole circuit up to the power converter:  Logical cabling check  Resistance and inductance measurement  Ground Insulation 1kV) State after the tests:  Circuit electrically qualified for powering  Note: for powering, interlock system must be ready and tested

AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 10 The Normal Conducting Magnets and their Circuits  What will be their initial condition? –Individually tested (Powering, Cooling, Protection)  What is relevant to hardware commissioning from previous tests? –Circuits electrically tested without power supplies  What shall be tested during hardware commissioning? –Power Supplies –Interlock-System –Powering