AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 1 The Normal Conducting Magnets and their Circuits Suitbert Ramberger, AT-MEL-MI
AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 2 The Normal Conducting Magnets and their Circuits What will be their initial condition? What is relevant to hardware commissioning from previous tests? What shall be tested during hardware commissioning?
AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 3 Normal Conducting Magnets and their Circuits Normal Conducting LHC Magnets and Circuits Magnet Tests at Manufacturers & CERN Installation of NC Magnets Objectives for Commissioning NC Magnets Initial Conditions after Installation Electrical Quality Assurance
AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 4 Normal Conducting LHC Magnets 5 MSI (in series) 6 MBIBH (in series) 4 MQI 1 MCIA 7 PCs in SR2 5 MSI (in series) 7 MBIAH (in series) 4 MQI 6 MCIA 12 PCs in SR8 4 MQWB 8 MCBW 12 PCs in UJ MQWA (Q4 and Q5) 12 MBW (D3 and D4) 3 PCs in SR3 Water cooled cables! 2 MBXWT 1 MBWMD 3 PCs in SR2 12 MBXW (D1) 1 PC in SR1 2 MBXWS 1 MBXWH 3 PCs in SR MQWA (Q4, Q5) 8 MBW (D3, D4) 3 PCs in SR7 12 MBXW (D1) 1 PC in SR5 2x15 MSD 2 PCs in SR6 4 MQWB 8 MCBW 12 PCs in UJ76
AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 5 Magnet Tests at Manufacturers & CERN Tests at Manufacturers Leak Test 30bar) Flow Test 4bar) Magnet Resistance Ground Insulation 2kV) Thermo-Switch Test TS Insulation 500V) Geom. Meas. (Sagittas, Twist) Magnetic Measurement –BINP, IHEP Tests at CERN Leak Test 30bar) Flow Test 4bar) Magnet Resistance Magnet Inductance Ground Insulation 2kV) Thermo-Switch Resistance Geom. Meas. (Target Setting) Magnetic Measurement –MQW + samples MB..W..
AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 6 Normal-Conducting Magnet Installation Magnet Transport in Tunnels (TS-IC) Magnet Transfer on Supports (AT-MEL, TS-IC) Connection of Water (TS-CV) Balancing of Water Circuit (TS-CV) Connection of Current and Interlock Cables, and Grounding (TS-EL) Magnet Alignment (TS-SU) Vacuum Chamber Connection (AT-VAC) Vacuum Chamber Bake-Out (AT-VAC)
AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 7 Hardware Commissioning of NC magnets Objectives of Hardware Commissioning Verify that ‘what you see is what you get’: Magnet is properly connected to the right power supply Magnet receives the right amount of current Magnet polarity is correct Safety – ‘that you see if you don’t get’: Magnet is protected (Interlock, WIC, Grounding) Collect data: for other systems (e.g. circuit resistance for power converters) for maintenance and repair (e.g. resistance to check for degradation)
AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 8 Initial Conditions after Installation Conditions for the Electrical Quality-Assurance Initial Conditions: Magnets tested in workshop Current cables tested in-situ –Insulation –Water cooled cables in IR3 Magnets connected to cables, water supply and water circuit balanced Power cables not connected to the power converters Test Conditions: Access to powering area limited and controlled (around magnets and PCs)
AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 9 ELQA of the NC Magnet Circuits Electrical Quality Assurance Test (IST:WELQA) Tests of the whole circuit up to the power converter: Logical cabling check Resistance and inductance measurement Ground Insulation 1kV) State after the tests: Circuit electrically qualified for powering Note: for powering, interlock system must be ready and tested
AT-MEL-MI Hardware Commissioning Review, , Suitbert Ramberger 10 The Normal Conducting Magnets and their Circuits What will be their initial condition? –Individually tested (Powering, Cooling, Protection) What is relevant to hardware commissioning from previous tests? –Circuits electrically tested without power supplies What shall be tested during hardware commissioning? –Power Supplies –Interlock-System –Powering