Circuits in which the source voltage or current is time-varying (particularly interested in sinusoidally time-varying excitation, or simply, excitation by a sinusoid)
Nature itself is characteristically sinusoidal. Name it! Sinusoidal signal is easy to generate and transmit Fourier analysis, any practical periodic signal can be represented by a sum of sinusoids A sinusoid is easy to handle mathematically
A sketch of V m sin t: (a) as a function of t, (b) as a function of t.
More general: Sinusoids are easily expressed in terms of phasors. A phasor is a complex number that represents the amplitude and phase of a sinusoid.
A complex number: r is the magnitude of z, and is the phase of z.
The idea of phasor representation is based on Euler’s identity For v(t): or Thus where:
V is the phasor representation of the sinusoid v(t) A phasor is a complex representation of the magnitude and phase of a sinusoid
The differences between v(t) and V should be emphasized: 1. v(t) is the instantaneous or time domain representation, while V is the frequency or phasor domain representation. 2. v(t) is time dependent, while V is not. 3. v(t) is always real with no complex term, while V is generally complex.
Resistor If the current through a resistor R is
The phasor form of this voltage is The phasor representation of the current is Hence