Österreichische Mediathek Technisches Museum Wien Digital edition of audiovisual heritage
Save the data 2 Österreichische Mediathek Austria's national Audio/Video Archive Founded in 1960 Department of the Technical Museum Vienna since 1999 Digitization of Archival Holdings since 2000 (audio) and 2010 (video)
Save the data 3 Digitisation 2 aspects: 1.long-term preservation (obsolescence of audio-visual carriers and devices for replaying) 2. access
Save the data 4 source edition and web exhibitions more than items (audio, video) online accessible streaming – no download
Save the data hours radio news
Save the data 6 (audio file + metadata)
Save the data 7 Workspace „Meine Mediathek“
Save the data 8 Österreichische Mediathek: holdings (2 million recordings) about 25% digitised about 4% of the digitised material online (due to copyright reasons)