Personal factors for innovation behaviour? How to be innovative and creative? René Baďura Department of furniture design and wooden products design.
... creativity?... innovation? Is this capability of genius? Is this something special? Are we able to be creative?
Who need to be innovativ/creativ? Movie maker? Musician? Designer? Writer? Artist? Manager? Worker? Parent? Student? Teacher? everybody
Why I want to be innovativ/creativ? Because: My boss (teacher, partner) wants... Impulse from outside. I want be a leader. I'm bone-lazy. I want to be crazy rich. My own business need... Impulse from inside.
How I will be innovativ/creativ? I need to want (it's only on me)! I must to have wide scope, to be able to make fine recherché. I am able to “steal” idea or solution/s from other speciality/ies. It is fine to find different point of view.
Wide scope/recherché... Wide knowledge. History of problem and solutions up today. Search & collection of materials. (Don't use a „Google“ only!)
Solutions from other speciality Source for new things. Have eyes open. Visit exhibitions, fairs… It's easy, only find & use them. Each problem was done.
Different point of view This the second hardest part after preparing perfect outline of problem. Analyze and select basis. Try to jump over / under / behind / side nor as usually. Be a child…
Perfect outline You must to have problem under skin, to know this. You must to reduce problem on clear, shortest formula. If you have well prepared question, you have half of answer!
Story of a bulb lamp.
Was Edison genius? He sat in office and thought about bulb or not… We need same as he to know background of his problem – keyword artificial LIGHT.
Story of a bulb lamp. Light in history: Bolt (from the blue) Nature Fire simple Physics Torch simple Physics Candle Physics & Chemistry Kerosene lamp Physics, Chemistry & Mechanics
Story of a bulb lamp. Bulb is very similar to kerosene lamp. It is interconnection of solutions: Technology of glass Vacuum Knowledge of materials – Vanadium etc. Electricity All these knowledge was found before…
Maintainance Take inspiration from world (nature) around you. Try to find different point of view on problem. Don´t stay ideas in head – give these in reality or on paper or in PC…
… any questions? It exist not a stupid question, only stupid answer.
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