Understanding Standards-Based Grading (SBG) and Reporting © Katie Brown ELL Specialist, Shuksan Middle School Bellingham, WA September, 2013
Standards-Based Grading Academic Performance Student Success Attributes 1, 2, 3, 4 in relation to state & national standards Tells you if your child is meeting grade level targets & expectations 1, 2, 3, 4 based on attributes crucial to student success Takes responsibility for own learning Pays attention to detail
New Middle School Gradebook- Skyward Standards-Based Grading Score represents student growth toward specific standard Based on common national standards Tells you what a student knows and is able to do Behavioral information is reported separately A B C D F Traditional Grading Grade represents a percentage of points Non-academic factors affect grade Everything is graded and averaged together Reports a single grade for each class 1, 2, 3, 4
Standards-Based Grading Students are graded based on what they know and are able to do, not work completion or behavior Not meeting standard, Not making progress Not meeting standard yet, but making progress Meeting Standard Exceeding Standard
Traditional Grading 50% = D or F Standard: A student will be able to shoot 8 out of 10 shots Made 0 out of 10 Made 2 out of 10 Made 3 out of 10 Made 8 out of 10 Made 9 out of 10 Made 8 out of 10 Standards-Based Grading = 3
Made 0 out of 10 Made 2 out of 10 Made 3 out of 10 Made 8 out of 10 Made 9 out of 10 Made 8 out of 10 Formative & Summative Assessments Formative = Practice w/ Feedback Summative = Final Performance
How can I check my child’s grades? 1. Monthly Student Progress Reports 2. Semester Report Card 3. Skyward Family Access
NTI Codes you may see… NTI = Not Turned In, Can no longer turn in MISSING = Currently late, needs to be turned in FORM = Practice SUMM= Final Performance See scores HERE
Course Standards Success Attributes Final Performance Grades Standards-Based Report Card
Standards-Based Grading Video minutes
Skyward Family Access