Battle of Cowpens January 17, 1781.
Mr. President why should a museum be built to honor the Battle of Cowpens? Because of this historically important Battle, American independence was gained. It involved two of America’s greatest patriots and underappreciated underdogs; General Greene and Morgan whom deeply need to be remembered. Cowpens wasn’t just a battle between two armies, but also included minorities. Lastly, the Battle of Cowpens ended all hopes for the British and lead to their surrender at Yorktown.
Chain of Events with a stalemate in the North Britain turns it’s attention South. The British capture Savannah, Charleston, and Camden in S.C. they defeat and capture most of the Southern Continental Army. These victories gave the British great confidence it would control the South. However, they underestimate the resistance from patriots in the backcountry.
Patriot Underdogs Nathaneal Greene is sent by Washington after two other Generals could not handle the job!
The genius of General Greene; He Throws Aside Tradition to win! Military teachings of the time advises against dividing a weak army against a larger force. Greene sends General Daniel Morgan southwest to counter British supply lines and to “spirit up the people.” Cornwallis counters by sending Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton after Morgan; feared and hated because of his victory at the Waxhaws where he killed and murdered soldiers trying to surrender. These events set the stage for the Battle of Cowpens.
Daniel Morgan With his experience and 300 Continentals and untrained militia, Morgan defeats Tarelton and the British Army.
After the Battle Morgan writes to Greene. Dear Sir: The troops I have the honor to command have gained a complete victory over a detachment from the British Army commanded by Lieut.-Col. Tarleton. It happened on the 17th inst., about sunrise, at a place called the Cowpens… Our loss was very inconsiderable, not having more than twelve killed and about sixty wounded. The enemy had ten commissioned officers and upwards of one hundred rank and file killed, two hundred rank and file wounded, and twenty-seven officers and more than five hundred privates which fell into our hands, with two pieces of artillery, two standards, eight hundred stand of arms, one traveling-forge, thirty-five wagons, ten negroes, and upwards of one hundred dragoon horses… I am sir, your obedient servant, Daniel Morgan
Minorities at Cowpens A diverse group of individuals met on the field of battle on a bitterly cold Wednesday morning, January 17, Of the more than two thousand men who fought this battle, the National Park Service can document fifteen black males who fought with the Americans. In addition, there is one famous black male who the NPS cannot document. These men need to be remembered. Also included were many Scottish and Irish Highlanders.
Cowpens leads to Independence. The forty-eight hours after the Battle of Cowpens is a dramatic story of river crossings, of attention to battle wounds, of scouting for Loyalists, of recuperation, of planning the next move, and of moving quickly. It culminated in the race to the Dan River and the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, where Cornwallis lost men and officers far west of his supply lines. Eventually, he gave up on the Carolinas and marched to Virginia, meeting defeat at Yorktown, October 19, 1781.
Mr. President These are the reasons for building a museum. It is truly an American story. Two underdogs are sent to do a job that others could not. New military teqniques were used. A hated British officer was defeated. Cowpens also included a great cross section of American people. That’s why we should build here, Mr. President.