2 Its Main Characters and Groups Satan Antichrist False Prophet 144,000 Jewish Evangelists The Two Witnesses Nation of Israel Revived Roman Empire 4 Horsemen Martyred Christians Christ Unholy Trinity
3 2 Tribulation Events Earth’s Population 6 Billion 4 th Seal 1.5 B Killed Rev 6: B 6 th Trumpet 1.5 B Killed Rev 9:14-18
4 Its Main Events 1.Setting up the super, false, apostate church 2.Appearance of Antichrist & False Prophet (Rev. 13) 3.Revival of Roman Empire – 10 nations (Dan. 2 & 7) 4.Treaty between Antichrist and Israel (Daniel 9:27) 5.Opening of the 7 seals of Judgment (Rev. 6) 6.Conversion of the 144,000 Jews (Rev. 7:1-4) 7.Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple (Ezek 40, Matt 24;15) 8.Ministry of the two witnesses and their death (Rev 11) 9.Russia’s invasion of Israel and their defeat (Ezek 38-39) 10.The alignment of the nations (Ezekiel 38)
5 Its Main Events 11.Satan is cast out of Heaven (Rev. 12) 12.Persecution of Jews – flight into wilderness (Rev 12) 13.The institution of the Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:16-18) 14.The blowing of the 7 Trumpets (Rev. 8:7 – 11:15) 15.Special messages by 3 Angels (Rev. 14:6-12) 16.Pouring out of the 7 Bowls (Rev. 15 & 16) 17.World’s worst earthquake (Rev. 16:18-21) 18.The fall of Babylon (Rev. 17 & 18) 19.The Battle of Armageddon (Rev. 16:16, 19:11-21)