Ezekiel Was a priest 1:3 Prophesied in 592 B.C. 1:2 Taken to Babylon in 597 B.C. (while Jeremiah remained in Jerusalem) Prophesied to the exiles in Babylon Message: Repentance and hope 1-24 Judgment against Judah Judgment against the nations including Babylon Future restoration
Ezekiel Nebuchadnezzar began the siege against Jerusalem 24:1-5 His wife died that day 24:15-18 He was commanded not to mourn 24:17 The reason for this unusual command 24:18-27 Ezekiel was mute from that point till news from a survivor of the siege comes as a sign v Fulfilled in 33:21-22 Judah trusted in God’s promise but disregarded the conditions 24:21; 33:23-25
Key Lessons in Ezekiel 1-24 God uses His people as watchmen 3:16-21 More fully developed in chapter 33 The ugliness of sin 4-7 Ezekiel illustrates it The depths of sin 8-10 God leaves temple Individual responsibility 18:4,20 People can change (the wicked should change) 18:21-24 God’s judgment is just 18:25-29; chapters God kept His word 24:26-27 fulfilled in 33:21-22
Key Lessons in Ezekiel God cares about all nations He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked Romans 5:6-8 The fall of Tyre is a great example of God’s prophetic word God chastens His people God restores His people spiritually As a sign, He restored the Jews physically Instructions for restoring temple, worship, inheritance in the land (hope)
Ezekiel Suffered captivity Told to do strange things for spiritual purposes Suffered loss of his wife Yet he obeyed faithfully and glorified God God is just Sin destroys us God will remove sin by punishment God will remove sin by forgiveness What is your choice?