Hot and cold can system By Ezekiel perry
The form of heat transfer I used was conduction when I rubbed my hands together and then put them around the can its temperature was decreasing and then rising but it was sticking around degrees the difference in change of temperature was 5.3 degrees
When I was working on my hot can I kept my hands on it and every minute I would rub my hands together and would use the form that is known as conduction to heat my can up. For the cold can I wrapped aluminum foil around and it was not working so I just ended up leaving it out in room temperature and eventually it dropped the I used convection for the cold can.
In the hot can my arrangement was successful my cold can I had to adjust the foil to the bottom of the can for it to start cooling off.
This is the graph of my hot cold and controlled cans. My hot can decreased a total of 5.3 degrees and my cold can decreased a total of 6.9 and my controlled was 6.2. The total difference between the cold and controlled can was.7 and my hot and controlled can difference was.9.
Hot can energy transfer diagram Rubbing hand conduction Water in can
Cold can energy transfer diagram foil convection Water in can
I think if I used a blanket and a shoe box it might have been more effective in keeping the can hot and if I had a fan it could have been more effective than the aluminum foil. Modified ideas
I remember when it is cold in the morning I always rub my hands together to make my ears warm when they are cold. when I'm hot I wear shorts and a t- shirt so the heat can transfer out. Real life example
The temperature in the hot can changed a total of 5.3 degrees and the cold can temperature changed a total of 6.9 degrees the control can changed a total of 6.2 degrees, so I think my hot and cold can were successful, but not as successful as I had hoped they would be.
The End