WELCOME TO 160th Ave CHURCH OF CHRIST WE ARE GLAD YOU’RE HERE Scripture reading: Gen. 3:1-4
The Devil 2009- Barnagroup- interviewed people who describe themselves as Christians. Is the devil real or a simply a symbol of evil. 59 % said a symbol. (not real) 8% said unsure. Kinda surprised at that answer- they would question the reality of Satan. Tonight we want to talk about we We don’t know a lot about Satan- or the devil. Origin the is mentioned throughout the Bible.
A Fallen Angel? Isaiah 14:12-14, 4; King of Babylon Ezekiel 28:12-15, 2; King of Tyre Luke 10:18; 70 sent out. not a description of the beginning of history. A description of defeat when miracles were performed. A fallen angel- passages we use to establish that, I don’t think do it! Figurative language. But a description of Satan being defeated as the apostles have gone out and were performing miracles and wonders, that’s the context. I come to the same conclusion by default, but the passages that are used to make this conclusion don’t really demand that conclusion. While by default I come to the same conclusion. The Bible doesn’t tell us how this occurred. Created by God obviously. The bible mentions that there were angels that fell, I take it that he fell. I merely say that to get it out of the way. If that’s not the Bible’s focus, we don’t want to let it be ours. What can we say about this dragon, the devil, about Satan. What can we say that is relevant to our time together.
The Devil is Deceptive Rev. 12:9, “who deceives the whole world.” Gen. 3 “you will not surely die.” they did die. Rev. 20:8 “deceive the nations” John 8:44 “father of lies.” 2 Cor. 4:3-4; “God of this world” “Blinded the minds of the unbelieving” The Sower: Matt. 13 2 Cor. 11:13-14 “angel of light” Form the first of the bible to the last, he is pictured as a deceiver. Rev. 12- Gen. 3 John 8:44 An angel of light. What do you really believe, Could you have been deceived. Satan is trying to get an advantage of you and me, in every way in life. He is trying to use even good things to do that. Acts 4
The Devil uses good things against us: Acts 5:3 Ananias and Saphira. 1 Cor. 7:5 Satan is trying to use even times that couples have devoted to prayer and fasting. Eph. 4:26-27 It is not sinful to become angry, but anger does open up a door. 1 Tim. 3:6 He is trying to get us to look at good things and is trying to get us to look at bad things and deny God. There may be something good happening in your life and you may be praised by brethren for that. This is a good thing but even that can be used against you. The Devil will try to use that to get you to become proud. 2 Cor. 2:11 On one hand he will minimize the power of sin (you can sin everybody sins) on the other hand he minimizes the power of repentance. On both sides he is wrong.
The Devil is a Destroyer: He wants to destroy you and wants to destroy me. He has no good desire for you or for your family. He truly hates you and wants your destruction. The society’s picture today. Have you considered your servant job. When Job’s wife later says in Job 2:9. He wants to use our difficulties and John 10:10 Satan is not mentioned specifically in that passage but the words of the passage sure fits with Satan’s works. Satan is not mentioned specifically in that passage but the words of the passage sure fit with Satan’s works. News story: Terry thompson- columbus ohio. Owned a farm with a number of exotics animals: monkeys, bears, tigers, and lions. Local authorities said, don’t go outside, don’t go to school… Proverbs writer says. The fool says, there is a lion in the street (as an excuse) This is a case where that excuse would have actually been legitimate. If we lived in that areas, all sorts of fear would come into the hearts of me because of that. But there is indeed a roaring lion who is on the loose, who is seeking to destroy. Maybe that is illustrated by his role in the birth of Christ. Rev. 12. He is a formidable foe. You don’t want to let him get a foot in the foe. He is a dangerous dangerous creature. Deceptive and destructive.
The Devil is a Destroyer: He wants to destroy you and wants to destroy me. He has no good desire for you or for your family. He truly hates you and wants your destruction. The society’s picture today. Have you considered your servant job. When Job’s wife later says in Job 2:9. He wants to use our difficulties and John 10:10 Satan is not mentioned specifically in that passage but the words of the passage sure fits with Satan’s works. Satan is not mentioned specifically in that passage but the words of the passage sure fit with Satan’s works. News story: Terry thompson- columbus ohio. Owned a farm with a number of exotics animals: monkeys, bears, tigers, and lions. Local authorities said, don’t go outside, don’t go to school… Proverbs writer says. The fool says, there is a lion in the street (as an excuse) This is a case where that excuse would have actually been legitimate. If we lived in that areas, all sorts of fear would come into the hearts of me because of that. But there is indeed a roaring lion who is on the loose, who is seeking to destroy. Maybe that is illustrated by his role in the birth of Christ. Rev. 12. He is a formidable foe. You don’t want to let him get a foot in the foe. He is a dangerous dangerous creature. Deceptive and destructive.
The Devil is a Destroyer: Job 1:8-11 “Curse God and die.” (2:9) John 10:10 sure fits with Satan’s works. 1 Pet. 5:8 Ex. News story Rev. 12 An effort Satan makes to destory the Christ??? He wants to destroy you and wants to destroy me. He has no good desire for you or for your family. He truly hates you and wants your destruction. The society’s picture today. Have you considered your servant job. When Job’s wife later says in Job 2:9. He wants to use our difficulties and John 10:10 Satan is not mentioned specifically in that passage but the words of the passage sure fits with Satan’s works. Satan is not mentioned specifically in that passage but the words of the passage sure fit with Satan’s works. News story: Terry thompson- columbus ohio. Owned a farm with a number of exotics animals: monkeys, bears, tigers, and lions. Local authorities said, don’t go outside, don’t go to school… Proverbs writer says. The fool says, there is a lion in the street (as an excuse) This is a case where that excuse would have actually been legitimate. If we lived in that areas, all sorts of fear would come into the hearts of me because of that. But there is indeed a roaring lion who is on the loose, who is seeking to destroy. Maybe that is illustrated by his role in the birth of Christ. Rev. 12. He is a formidable foe. You don’t want to let him get a foot in the foe. He is a dangerous dangerous creature. Deceptive and destructive.
The Devil is Defeated John 12:31-32 Col. 2:14 Heb. 2:14 Defeated at the cross!!! Col. 2:14 Heb. 2:14 Rev. 20:1-3, 7-10 Jesus foretells this in his miracles of casting out demons. I don’t want us to get us thinking that Satan is such an opponent that all is lost, that why stand to fight why bother try. Continually in the NT the devil is presented to us as a defeated foe. Satan is dangerous, he is deceptive and destructive. But we must understand at the same time that greater is he who is in you!!! The whole point of Rev. 20 is to show a picture of the powerful Christ who has conquered this dragon. A mighty fortress is our God. Martin Luther has some powerful statements regarding this. The devil is defeated, resist him by being firm in your faith to God.
A Mighty Fortress A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; our helper he amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe; his craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate, on earth is not his equal. Martin Luther had some powerful statements about the spiritual struggle going on.
A Mighty Fortress Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing, were not the right man on our side, the man of God's own choosing. Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is he; Lord Sabaoth, his name, from age to age the same, and he must win the battle.
A Mighty Fortress And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God hath willed his truth to triumph through us. The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him; his rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure; one little word shall fell him. The devil is defeated- resist him being firm in your faith to God.
WELCOME TO 160th Ave CHURCH OF CHRIST WE ARE GLAD YOU’RE HERE Scripture reading: Gen. 3:1-4