Your Home Directory When you login to the server, you always start in your Home directory. Create sub-directories to store specific projects or groups of information, just as you would place folders in a filing cabinet. Do not accumulate thousands of files with cryptic names in your Home directory
File & Directory Commands This is a minimal list of Linux commands that you must know for file management: All of these commands can be modified with many options. Learn to use Linux ‘man’ pages for more information. ls (list)mkdir (make directory) cd (change directory)pwd (present directory) cp (copy) rm (remove) mv (move)more (view by page) cat (view entire)man (help)
Navigation pwd (present working directory) shows the name and location of the directory where you are currently working: > pwd /home/jtang This is a “pathname,” the slashes indicate sub-directories The initial slash is the “root” of the whole filesytem ls (list) gives you a list of the files in the current directory: > ls assembin4.fasta Misc test2.txt bin temp testfile Use the ls -l (long) option to get more information about each file > ls -l total 1768 drwxr-x--- 2 browns02 users 8192 Aug 28 18:26 Opioid -rw-r browns02 users 6205 May af gb_in2 -rw-r browns02 users May af fasta
Sub-directories cd (change directory) moves you to another directory >cd Misc > pwd /u/browns02/Misc mkdir (make directory) creates a new sub-directory inside of the current directory > ls assembler phrap space > mkdir subdir > ls assembler phrap space subdir rmdir (remove directory) deletes a sub- directory, but the sub-directory must be empty > rmdir subdir > ls assembler phrap space
Shortcuts There are some important shortcuts in Linux for specifying directories. (dot) means "the current directory".. means "the parent directory" - the directory one level above the current directory, so cd.. will move you up one level ~ (tilde) means your Home directory, so cd ~ will move you back to your Home. Just typing a plain cd will also bring you back to your home directory
Create new files pico nano vi/vim emacs
Linux File Protections File protection (also known as permissions) enables the user to set up a file so that only specific people can read (r), write/delete (w), and execute (x) it. Write and delete privilege are the same on a Linux system since write privilege allows someone to overwrite a file with a different one.
File Owners and Groups Linux file permissions are defined according to ownership. The person who creates a file is its owner. You are the owner of files in your Home directory and all its sub-directories In addition, there is a concept known as a Group. Members of a group have privileges to see each other's files. We create groups as the members of a single lab - the students, technicians, postdocs, visitors, etc. who work for a given PI.
View File Permissions Use the ls -l command to see the permissions for all files in a directory: The username of the owner is shown in the third column. (The owner of the files listed above is jtang) The owner belongs to the group “None” The access rights for these files is shown in the first column. This column consists of 10 characters known as the attributes of the file: r, w, x, and - r indicates read permission w indicates write (and delete) permission x indicates execute (run) permission - indicates no permission for that operation $ ls -l total 2 -rw-r--r-- 1 jtang None 56 Feb 29 11:21 data.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 jtang None 33 Feb 29 11:21
Change Protections Only the owner of a file can change its protections To change the protections on a file use the chmod (change mode) command. [Beware, this is a confusing command.] Taken all together, it looks like this: > chmod 644 data.txt This will set the owner to have read, write; add the permission for the group and the world to read 600, 755, 700,
Commands for Files Files are used to store information, for example, data or the results of some analysis. You will mostly deal with text files Files on the RCR Alpha are automatically backed up to tape every night. cat dumps the entire contents of a file onto the screen. For a long file this can be annoying, but it can also be helpful if you want to copy and paste (use the buffer of your telnet program)
more Use the command more to view at the contents of a file one screen at a time: > more t27054_cel.pep !!AA_SEQUENCE 1.0 P1;T hypothetical protein Y49E Caenorhabditis elegans Length: 534 May 30, :49 Type: P Check: MLKKAPCLFG SAIILGLLLA AAGVLLLIGI PIDRIVNRQV IDQDFLGYTR 51 DENGTEVPNA MTKSWLKPLY AMQLNIWMFN VTNVDGILKR HEKPNLHEIG 101 PFVFDEVQEK VYHRFADNDT RVFYKNQKLY HFNKNASCPT CHLDMKVTIP t27054_cel.pep (87%) Hit the spacebar to page down through the file Ctrl-U moves back up a page At the bottom of the screen, more shows how much of the file has been displayed Similar command: less
Copy & Move cp lets you copy a file from any directory to any other directory, or create a copy of a file with a new name in one directory cp filename.ext newfilename.ext cp filename.ext subdir/newname.ext cp /u/jdoe01/filename.ext./subdir/newfilename.ext mv allows you to move files to other directories, but it is also used to rename files. Filename and directory syntax for mv is exactly the same as for the cp command. mv filename.ext subdir/newfilename.ext NOTE: When you use mv to move a file into another directory, the current file is deleted.
Delete Use the command rm (remove) to delete files There is no way to undo this command!!! We have set the server to ask if you really want to remove each file before it is deleted. You must answer “Y” or else the file is not deleted. But can use –f rm –rf
Some More Advanced Linux Commands grep: searches a file for a specific text pattern cut: copies one or more columns from a tab-delimited text file wc: word count | : the pipe — sends output of one command as input to the next > : redirect output to a file sed : stream editor – change text inside a file
Basic Concepts Variables and Assignment Conditions Loop Input/Output (I/O) Procedures/functions
Strings Text is handled in Perl as a string This basically means that you have to put quotes around any piece of text that is not an actual Perl instruction. Perl has two kinds of quotes - single ‘ and double “ (they are different- single quote will print as is)
Print Perl uses the term “print” to create output Without a print statement, you won’t know what your program has done You need to tell Perl to put a carriage return at the end of a printed line Use the “\n” (newline) command Include the quotes The “\” character is called an escape - Perl uses it a lot
#!/usr/bin/perl $DNA = 'ACGT'; # Next, we print the DNA onto the screen print $DNA, "\n"; print '$DNA\n'; print "$DNA\n"; exit;
Do the Math (your 2nd Perl program) #!/usr/bin/perl print " 4+5\n " ; print 4+5, " \n " ; print " 4+5= ", 4+5, " \n " ; [Note: use commas to separate multiple items in a print statement, whitespace is ignored]
Variables To be useful at all, a program needs to be able to store information from one line to the next Perl stores information in variables A variable name starts with the “$” symbol, and it can store strings or numbers Variables are case sensitive Give them sensible names Use the “=”sign to assign values to variables $one_hundred = 100; $my_sequence = " ttattagcc ";
= (1, 2, 3); shift, unshift push, pop Index using []
Hash %TABLE=(A=>’CGT’, B=>’CCC’,);
Hash Initialize: my %hash = (); Add key/value pair: $hash{$key} = $value; Add more keys: %hash = ( 'key1', 'value1', 'key2', 'value2 ); %hash = ( key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2', ); Delete: delete $hash{$key};
Strings (text) in variables can be used for some math-like operations Concatenate (join) use the dot. operator $seq1= " ACTG " ; $seq2= " GGCTA " ; $seq3= $seq1. $seq2; print $seq3; ACTGGGCTA String Operations
#!/usr/bin/perl –w $DNA = 'ACGGGAGGACGGGAAAATTACTACGGCATTAGC'; print "Here is the starting DNA:\n\n"; print "$DNA\n\n"; # Transcribe the DNA to RNA by substituting all T's with U's. $RNA = $DNA; $RNA =~ s/T/U/g; # Print the RNA onto the screen print "Here is the result of transcribing the DNA to RNA:\n\n"; print "$RNA\n"; # Exit the program. exit;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # The filename of the file containing the protein sequence data $proteinfilename = 'NM_021964fragment.pep'; # First we have to "open" the file open(PROTEINFILE, $proteinfilename); $protein = ; # Now that we've got our data, we can close the file. close PROTEINFILE; # Print the protein onto the screen print "Here is the protein:\n\n"; print $protein; exit;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # The filename of the file containing the protein sequence data $proteinfilename = 'NM_021964fragment.pep'; # First we have to "open" the file open(PROTEINFILE, $proteinfilename); # Read the protein sequence data from the file, and store it # into the = ; # Print the protein onto the screen # Close the file. close PROTEINFILE; exit;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # array = ('A', 'C', 'G', 'T'); print print $bases[0], "\n"; print $bases[1], "\n"; print $bases[2], "\n"; print $bases[3], "\n"; exit;
String functions Chomp Length of a string Substring
#!/usr/bin/perl -w $proteinfilename = 'NM_021964fragment.pep'; open(PROTEINFILE, $proteinfilename); $protein = ; close PROTEINFILE; chomp $protein; $len = length $protein; print $len, ""; exit;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w $name = "PALLAPP"; $st1 = substr($name, 3); $st2 = substr($name, 1, 2);
Comparison String comparison (are they the same, > or <) eq (equal ) ne (not equal ) ge (greater or equal ) gt (greater than ) lt (less than ) le (less or equal )
#!/usr/bin/perl –w $word = 'MNIDDKL'; if($word eq 'QSTVSGE') { print "QSTVSGE\n"; } elsif($word eq 'MRQQDMISHDEL') { print "MRQQDMISHDEL\n"; } elsif ( $word eq 'MNIDDKL' ) { print "MNIDDKL-the magic word!\n"; } else { print "Is \”$word\“ a peptide?\n"; } exit;
$x = 10; $y = -20; if ($x <= 10) { print "1st true\n";} if ($x > 10) {print "2nd true\n";} if ($x -21) {print "3rd true\n";} if ($x > 5 && $y < 0) {print "4th true\n";} if (($x > 5 && $y 5) {print "5th true\n";}
But Use ==,, >=, !=, ||, && for numeric numbers Use eq, lt, le, gt, ge, ne, or, and for string comparisons
$x = 10; $y = -20; if ($x le 10) { print "1st true\n";} if ($x gt 5) {print "2nd true\n";} if ($x le 10 || $y gt -21) {print "3rd true\n";} if ($x gt 5 && $y lt 0) {print "4th true\n";} if (($x gt 5 && $y lt 0) || $y gt 5) {print "5th true\n";}
#!/usr/bin/perl -w $num = 1234; $str = '1234'; print $num, " ", $str, "\n"; $num_or_str = $num + $str; print $num_or_str, "\n"; $num_or_str = $num. $str; print $num_or_str, "\n"; exit;
More Arithmatics +, -, *, **, /, % +=, -=, *=, **=, /=, %= ++, --
$x = 10; $x = $x*1.5; print $x*=3, "\n"; print $x++, "\n"; print $x, "\n"; print ++$x, "\n"; print $x, "\n"; print $x % 3, "\n"; print $x**2, "\n";
#!/usr/bin/perl -w print "Please type the filename of the DNA sequence data: "; $dna_filename = ; chomp $dna_filename; open(DNAFILE, $dna_filename); $name = = ; close DNAFILE; $DNA = $DNA =~ s/\s//g; $count_of_CG = 0; $position = 0; while ( $position < length $DNA) { $base = substr($DNA, $position, 1); if ( $base eq 'C' or $base eq 'G') { ++$count_of_CG; } $position++; } print "CG content is ", $count_of_CG/(length $DNA)*100, "%\n";
#!/usr/bin/perl –w print "Please type the filename of the DNA sequence data: "; $dna_filename = ; chomp $dna_filename; open(DNAFILE, $dna_filename); $name = = ; close DNAFILE; $DNA = $DNA =~ s/\s//g; $count_of_CG = 0; for ( $position = 0 ; $position < length $DNA ; ++$position ) { $base = substr($DNA, $position, 1); if ( $base eq 'C' or $base eq 'G') { ++$count_of_CG; } print "CG content is ", $count_of_CG/(length $DNA)*100, "%\n";
$DNA = "ACCTAAACCCGGGAGAATTCCCACCAATTCTACGTAAC"; $s = ""; for ($i = 0, $j = 5; $i < $j; $i+=2, $j++) { $s.= substr($DNA, $i, $j); } print $s, "\n";
sub extract_sequence_from_fasta_data { my $sequence = ''; foreach my $line { if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { next; } elsif($line =~ /^\s*#/) { next; } elsif($line =~ /^>/) { next; } else { $sequence.= $line; } # remove non-sequence data (in this case, whitespace) from $sequence string $sequence =~ s/\s//g; return $sequence; }
Subroutine Some code needs to be reused A good way to organize code Called “function” in some languages Name Return Parameters
#!/usr/bin/perl –w print "Please type the filename: "; $dna_filename = ; chomp $dna_filename; open(DNAFILE, $dna_filename); $name = = ; close DNAFILE; $DNA = $DNA =~ s/\s//g; $count_of_G = countG($DNA); print $count_of_G; sub countG { my($dna) my($count) = 0; $count = ( $dna =~ tr/Gg//); return $count; }
#!/usr/bin/perl –w print "Please type the filename: "; $dna_filename = ; chomp $dna_filename; open(DNAFILE, $dna_filename); $name = = ; close DNAFILE; $DNA = $DNA =~ s/\s//g; $count_of_G = count($DNA, 'Gg'); print $count_of_G; sub count { my($dna, $pattern) my($count) = 0; $count = ( eval("$dna =~ tr/$pattern//") ); return $count; }
Scope my provides lexical scoping; a variable declared with my is visible only within the block in which it is declared. Blocks of code are hunks within curly braces {}; files are blocks. Use use vars qw([list of var names]) or our ([var_names]) to create package globals.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Bio; use strict; use warnings; my $DNA = fasta_read(); print "First ", dna2peptide($DNA), "\n"; print "Second ", dna2peptide(substr($DNA, 1)), "\n"; print "Third ", dna2peptide(substr($DNA, 2)), "\n"; $DNA = reverse $DNA; $DNA =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/; print "Fourth ", dna2peptide($DNA), "\n"; print "Fifth ", dna2peptide(substr($DNA, 1)), "\n"; print "Sixth ", dna2peptide(substr($DNA, 2)), "\n";
my $x = 10; for (my $x = 0; $x < 5; $x++) { Scope(); print $x, "\n"; } print $x, "\n"; sub Scope { my $x = 0; }
sub IUB_to_regexp { my($iub) my $regular_expression = ‘’; my %iub2character_class = ( A => 'A', C => 'C', G => 'G', T => 'T', R => '[GA]', Y => '[CT]', M => '[AC]', K => '[GT]', S => '[GC]', W => '[AT]', B => '[CGT]', D => '[AGT]', H => '[ACT]', V => '[ACG]', N => '[ACGT]', ); $iub =~ s/\^//g; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < length($iub) ; ++$i ) { $regular_expression.= $iub2character_class{substr($iub, $i, 1)}; } return $regular_expression; }
Hash Initialize: my %hash = (); Add key/value pair: $hash{$key} = $value; Add more keys: %hash = ( 'key1', 'value1', 'key2', 'value2 ); %hash = ( key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2', ); Delete: delete $hash{$key};
sub codon2aa { my($codon) $codon = uc $codon; my %genetic_code = ( 'TCA' => 'S', # Serine 'TCC' => 'S', # Serine 'TCG' => 'S', # Serine 'TCT' => 'S', # Serine 'TTC' => 'F', # Phenylalanine 'TTT' => 'F', # Phenylalanine 'TTA' => 'L', # Leucine 'TTG' => 'L', # Leucine #Many more ); if(exists $genetic_code{$codon}) { return $genetic_code{$codon}; }else{ print STDERR "Bad codon \"$codon\"!!\n"; exit; }
sub parseREBASE { my($rebasefile) = ( ); my %rebase_hash = ( ); my $name; my $site; my $regexp; open($rebase_filehandle, $rebasefile) or die "Cannot open file\n"; while( ) { # Discard header lines ( 1.. /Rich Roberts/ ) and next; # Discard blank lines /^\s*$/ and next; # Split the two (or three if includes parenthesized name) fields = split( " ", $_); $name = $site = # Translate the recognition sites to regular expressions $regexp = IUB_to_regexp($site); # Store the data into the hash $rebase_hash{$name} = "$site $regexp"; } # Return the hash containing the reformatted REBASE data return %rebase_hash; }
Range ( 1.. /Rich Roberts/ ) and next from first line till some line containing Rich Roberts If that is true, it will check the statement after "and" If that is not true, it will not check the statement after "and" open(…) or die If can open, the statement is already true, no need to check the statement after "or" If cannot open, the statement is false, need to check the statement after "or" to see if it can be true
@fred = = = = qw(one = ($a,$b,$c) = = = = = (1,2,3); $fred[3] = "hi"; $fred[6] = "ho"; is now (1,2,3,"hi",undef,undef,"ho")
Array operators push and pop (right-most = (1,2,3); $oldvalue = shift and unshift (left-most = (5,6,7); $x = = = = =
Print to file Open a file to print open FILE, ">filename.txt"; open (FILE, ">filename.txt“); Print to the file print FILE $str;
#!/usr/bin/perl print "My name is $0 \n"; print "First arg is: $ARGV[0] \n"; print "Second arg is: $ARGV[1] \n"; print "Third arg is: $ARGV[2] \n"; $num = $#ARGV + 1; print "How many args? $num \n"; print "The full argument string \n";
Regular Expression ^ beginning of string $ end of string. any character except newline * match 0 or more times + match 1 or more times ? match 0 or 1 times; | alternative ( ) grouping; “storing” [ ] set of characters { } repetition modifier \ quote or special
Repeats a*zero or more a’s a+one or more a’s a?zero or one a’s (i.e., optional a) a{m}exactly m a’s a{m,}at least m a’s a{m,n}at least m but at most n a’s
Perl tr/// function tr means transliterate – replaces a character with another character $dna =~ tr/a/c/ replaces all “a” with “c” in in $dna It also works on a range: $dna =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ replaces all lower case letters with upper case tr also counts $count = ($string =~ tr/A//) (you might think this also deletes all “A” from the string, but it doesn’t)
Wildcards Perl has a set of wildcard characters for Reg. Exps. that are completely different than the ones used by Unix the dot (. ) matches any character \d matches any digit (a number from 0-9) \w matches any text character (a letter or number, not punctuation or space) \s matches white space (any amount) ^ matches the beginning of a line $ matches the end of a line (Yes, this is very confusing!)
Repeat for a count Use curly brackets to show that a character repeats a specific number (or range) of times: find an EcoRI fragment of bp length (two EcoRI sites with any other sequence between): if $ecofrag =~ /GAATTC[GATC]{100,500}GAATTC/ The + sign is used to indicate an unlimited number of repeats (occurs 1 or more times)
my $mystring; $mystring = "Hello world!"; if($mystring =~ m/World/) { print "Yes"; } if($mystring =~ m/World/i) { print "Yes"; }
Grabbing parts of a string Regular expressions can do more than just ask ‘ if ” questions They can be used to extract parts of a line of text into variables; Check this out: /^>(\w+)\s(. +)$/; Complete gibberish, right? It means: -look for the > sign at the beginning of a FASTA formatted sequence file -dump the first word (\w+) into variable $1 ( the sequence ID ) -after a space, dump the rest of the line (.+), until you reach the end of line $, into variable $2 ( the description )
$mystring = "[2004/04/13] The date of this article."; if($mystring =~ m/(\d)/) { print "The first digit is $1."; } if($mystring =~ m/(\d+)/) { print "The first number is $1."; } if($mystring =~ m/(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/) { print "The date is $1-$2-$3"; } while($mystring =~ m/(\d+)/g) { print "Found number $1."; = ($mystring =~ m/(\d+)/g); print
Download and install programs Unzip or untar unzip If file.tar.gz, tar xvfz file.tar.gz Go to the directory and “./configure” Then “make”
System subroutine system ("ls –ltr");
print "Please input file name:\n"; my $fname = ; = ReadFasta($fname); my $len = $#dnas + 1; for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { for (my $j = $i+1; $j < $len; $j++) { for (my $k = $j+1; $k < $len; $k++) { $fname = "$i\_$j\_$k"; print $fname; open(OUT, ">$fname"); print OUT $dnas[$i]; print OUT $dnas[$j]; print OUT $dnas[$k]; close OUT; system ("./clustalw2 $i\_$j\_$k"); }
Perl debugger perl –d program arguments n: next line s: step in r: run until the end of the current sub, repeat c: continue to the next breakpoint
Check source l List next several lines l 8-10 List line 8-10 l 100 List line 100 l subname List subroutine subname f Switch to view
Breakpoint b 100 Add a breakpoint at line 100 of the current file b subname Add a breakpoint at this subroutine B Remove a break point B 100 will remove a breakpoint at line 100 B * will remove all breakpoints
See variable p $var Print the value of the variable y var Display my variable V display variables V var w $var Watch this var, stop when the value is changed
Finding Regulatory Motifs in DNA Sequences
Motifs and Transcriptional Start Sites gene ATCCCG gene TTCCGG gene ATCCCG gene ATGCCG gene ATGCCC
Motif Logo Motifs can mutate on non important bases The five motifs in five different genes have mutations in position 3 and 5 Representations called motif logos illustrate the conserved and variable regions of a motif TGGGGGA TGAGAGA TGGGGGA TGAGAGA TGAGGGA
Sequence Alignment
MSCS 230: Bioinformatics I - Pairwise Sequence Alignment 87 Global Alignment F(i-1,j-1)F(i,j-1) F(i-1,j)F(i,j) s(x i,y j ) d d Move ahead in both x i aligned to gap y j aligned to gap While building the table, keep track of where optimal score came from, reverse arrows
88 Example HEAGAWGHEE P A-16 W-24 H-32 E-40 A-48 E-56 AEGHW A E6-30 H P W-3 15
89 Completed Table HEAGAWGHEE P A W H E A E
A variant of the basic algorithm: Maybe it is OK to have an unlimited # of gaps in the beginning and end: CTATCACCTGACCTCCAGGCCGATGCCCCTTCCGGC GCGAGTTCATCTATCAC--GACCGC--GGTCG Then, we don’t want to penalize gaps in the ends
The Local Alignment Recurrence The largest value of s i,j over the whole edit graph is the score of the best local alignment. The recurrence: 0 s i,j = max s i-1,j-1 + δ (v i, w j ) s i-1,j + δ (v i, -) s i,j-1 + δ (-, w j ) Notice there is only this change from the original recurrence of a Global Alignment
Affine Gap Penalties In nature, a series of k indels often come as a single event rather than a series of k single nucleotide events: Normal scoring would give the same score for both alignments This is more likely. This is less likely.
Affine gaps (n) = d + (n – 1) e | | gap gap open extend To compute optimal alignment, d e (n)