MERCURY By: Jayce Topham
Mercury The only planet closest to the sun It got its name from the fastest roman god
Mercury was discovered in 1970 It got its name from the fastest roman god Mercury.
Mean density is 0.984 Mean radius is 1,516 miles Mass 0.984 (Earth =1)
Exploration Mariner 10 flew by in 1974 and 1975. Nasa’s messenger flew by in 2008 and2009.
Mercury has huge craters and cliffs as high as 3 km. Features Mercury has huge craters and cliffs as high as 3 km.
Moons This planet has no natural satalights.
Bibliography Nasa what is the planet Mercury. URL: EBSCO Host: Planets of the solar system Astromany by ralph feather jr copy date 2002 The near planets