McKinney-Vento Homeless Education State Coordinator Duties O Develop and implement State Plan O Gather valid data from districts O Collaborate with homeless services agencies O Train District Liaisons and staff O Provide technical assistance to districts, homeless parents and students O Monitor district compliance O Revise laws that act as barriers to school
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Responsibilities of Districts O Designate an active District Liaison O Post notices on homeless student rights with Liaison contact information O Provide school transportation O Facilitate school-of-origin enrollment O Revise policies that create barriers to homeless student enrollment and school success
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education District Liaison Duties O Identify homeless students through registration surveys, referrals, outreach O Assist with immediate enrollment, school placement, access to free school meals O Handle eligibility and school placement disputes O Arrange school-of-origin transportation O Provide school supplies, hygiene products, clothing and other essentials O Assist students to access tutoring, credit recovery and other education services
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education District Liaison Duties O Help students obtain immunizations, health services, birth certificates, etc. O Provide academic and attendance tracking O Provide district staff awareness training O Sign FAFSAs for unaccompanied students O Collaborate with local service providers, including Head Start O Collect and report data on homeless students in PreK - Grade 12
Unaccompanied Homeless Youths O Not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian O Includes runaway, abandoned and “couch-surfing” youths O Housing is not fixed, stable and adequate O Unaccompanied homeless students may enroll themselves in school, without parental permission O A parent cannot prevent a district from enrolling a youth, or demand that a school deny enrollment, under these circumstances
Preschool-Age Children O Districts must identify and assist homeless children ages 3-5 enrolled in public preschools and Head Start through family intakes, referrals, etc. O Requires collaboration with local Head Start Programs, which often prioritize enrollment of homeless children O Homeless families with children ages 0-2 are referred to Early Intervention screening and services