Jesus Is Strong And Able To Save 1-4 Do the dark clouds o’ershadow your pathway? Have you no hope beyond the dark grave? Carry your sins and burdens to.


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus Is Strong And Able To Save 1-4 Do the dark clouds o’ershadow your pathway? Have you no hope beyond the dark grave? Carry your sins and burdens to Jesus, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Jesus is willing, mighty, and ready, Victor o’er sin and death and the grave; He can redeem you, pardon and heal you, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Do the dark clouds o’ershadow your pathway? Have you no hope beyond the dark grave? Carry your sins and burdens to Jesus, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Jesus is willing, mighty, and ready, Victor o’er sin and death and the grave; He can redeem you, pardon and heal you, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Words and Music by Austin Taylor

Jesus Is Strong And Able To Save 2-4 Sorrowing one, oh, flee to the Savior, Hide you from sin’s dark, turbulent wave; He will conduct you upward and homeward; Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Jesus is willing, mighty, and ready, Victor o’er sin and death and the grave; He can redeem you, pardon and heal you, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Sorrowing one, oh, flee to the Savior, Hide you from sin’s dark, turbulent wave; He will conduct you upward and homeward; Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Jesus is willing, mighty, and ready, Victor o’er sin and death and the grave; He can redeem you, pardon and heal you, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.)

Jesus Is Strong And Able To Save 3-4 If you are tired of living in darkness, If you to sin have long been a slave, Trust in the Lord and humbly obey Him, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Jesus is willing, mighty, and ready, Victor o’er sin and death and the grave; He can redeem you, pardon and heal you, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) If you are tired of living in darkness, If you to sin have long been a slave, Trust in the Lord and humbly obey Him, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Jesus is willing, mighty, and ready, Victor o’er sin and death and the grave; He can redeem you, pardon and heal you, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.)

Jesus Is Strong And Able To Save 4-4 There is sweet rest for all who are faithful, Rapture and joy beyond the dark grave Blessed assurance! heavenly promise! Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Jesus is willing, mighty, and ready, Victor o’er sin and death and the grave; He can redeem you, pardon and heal you, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) There is sweet rest for all who are faithful, Rapture and joy beyond the dark grave Blessed assurance! heavenly promise! Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.) Jesus is willing, mighty, and ready, Victor o’er sin and death and the grave; He can redeem you, pardon and heal you, Jesus is strong and able to save. (to save.)