WAS JESUS REALLY RESURRECTED PHYSICALLY? John 20:1-21:14 New Life Bible Fellowship Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger March 31,
I. Surprised by the Resurrection John 20:1—21:14 Evidence Response 1. Open tomb 20:1 Women: access gained Mk 16:1-4 Matt, Mk and Luke: - Mary Magdalene - Mary, mother of James - Salome - Joanna 2. Empty tomb 20:2 Mary of Magdala: authorities removed body - The first Easter was not a joyous occasion. - The ultimate power of sin is death. - The main thing: we want to see the “surprise”!
I. Surprised by the Resurrection John 20:1—21:14 Evidence Response : 3. Empty grave clothes Peter: burst tomb first 20:3-9 confused Luke 24:2 John: believed apart from Scripture - convinced by clothes 4. Two angels 20:10-13 Mary of Magdala: authorities removed body
I. Surprised by the Resurrection John 20:1—21:14 Evidence Response 5. Jesus’ appearance to Mary of Magdala: Mary of Magdala ~thought he was gardener 20:14-18 theft on body ~recognized as teacher when he heard her name ~reported to disciples
I. Surprised by the Resurrection John 20:1—21:14 Evidence Response News for women: - did not believe women - locked themselves in 6. Jesus’ appearance to Disciples: disciples on resurrection ~brought happiness (but also day 20:19-23 fear) ~brought responsibility ~brought enablement confirming a promise = (receive H.S.) a delayed effect ~brought authority to Jewish leaders -Forgive their sins -Be killed
I. Surprised by the Resurrection John 20:1—21:14 Evidence Response 7. Jesus’ appearance to Thomas (“My Lord and my disciples a week later God!”) : 20:24-31~brought assurance ~brought beatitude EXTREMLY IMPORTANT! Jesus: “Blessedness of those who believe without seeing” * One of the important aspects of Scripture!
I. Surprised by the Resurrection John 20:1—21:14 8 th sign: resurrection from the dead Evidence Response 8. Jesus’ appearance in Disciples: physical nature Galilee sometime later of resurrection reinforced 21:1-14 John: “Written that you may believe.” Jesus was not with them 24 hours a day. Jesus gave them food to eat and drink: - Places the resurrection in a familiar setting - Become a big part of the incarnation message
II. Other arguments supporting a physical resurrection 1. Religion founded by “crucified Messiah” Deut. 21:23 2. Women as first witnesses of the resurrection (This is strong evidence for the historicity of this resurrection record because the women knew it first!) 3.Jewish leaders never produced the body of Jesus
II. Other arguments supporting a physical resurrection 4. Worship day changed from Sabbath to Sunday (Major shift! Jesus rose on the 3 rd day – Sunday.) 5. Courage of disciples following post- resurrection appearances (Become bold and courageous) 6. Willingness of disciples to die for belief in resurrected Christ (Who would die for a lie? The apostles were willing to die as martyrs because the saw the resurrected Jesus. And, many of the disciples died as martyrs, too. [Thomas went to India. 6% believed there.])