By HASAN and Gracie #Easter
The Easter story!!!! Jesus and his Disciples were walking to Jerusalem for the pass over. Everybody was really glad he was here apart from the Jews. They were jealous that Jesus was getting a lot of attention from the ordinary people. One of Jesus's disciples, Judas said to the Priest he to get Jesus into trouble. Jesus had a meal with twelve of his friends. Judas eventually got Jesus into trouble and the soldiers took him away to punish him. They put him on a crucifix and left him there. When he was dead they put him in a tomb the next day. Mary his mother went to the tomb the next day to see his grave. The tomb door was open and there was an angel there he said “your son Jesus has rose from the dead!!!”
Lent !! Lent is a special occasion that lasts for forty days but it doesn’t include Sundays. This is how Christians get ready for Easter, this also the time when you look back on the things they’ve done wrong. You also give something up for 40 days!!!!!
Shrove Tuesday Shrove Tuesday is the day bef0re lent starts. On this day you eat pancakes as it is the last rich meal. Pancake day is awesome.
Ash Wednesday On Ash Wednesday the vicar will make the sign of the cross using ashes and water on the forehead of Christians who are at church. This is a sign to say sorry for doing anything wrong.
The Easter Weekend On Good Friday Jesus died on the cross. It is a sad day for Christians – even though it’s called Good Friday. On Easter Monday Christians think Jesus rose from the dead. They celebrate on this day.