Performance Period: October 2015 – September 2019 (4 Years) First in the World Grant Grant Title: “Creating Research Opportunities for Students”
The Mid-Atlantic Consortium Partners: Farmingdale State College (SUNY) – lead Bowie State University Central Connecticut State University Kean University SUNY College at Old Westbury Introductions of partner delegations
Organizing Theme: Unity in Diversity Centralized & orchestrated by FSC - so as to assure conformity to the model and uniform implementation of program components but – recognizing & encouraging the diversity of our individual institutions strengths – curricular, faculty, etc.
Goal: Improving Each School’s 4-year graduation rate by 20% Student Population served: High Need Students = low income, minority, first generation college, and/or adult learners Selected from Full-time Baccalaureate-students: Incoming First Year Students Transfer Students who arrived with 60+ credits
Most Innovative Feature: Placing Faculty and Students in Mentored Research Experiences Both on campus – Off-campus at National Labs, Research Universities, Business Accelerators, etc. “RAM” program – Research-Aligned Mentorship
RAM PROGRAM COMPONENTS: RAM PROGRAM COMPONENTS: Mentored Research Experiences On- Campus and Off-Campus Faculty and Curricular Development First-Year & Sophomore/Transfer-Year Experience Courses Treisman-Style Collaborative Learning Workshops
Project-Based Learning Special Events – receptions, group exercises. Etc. Intensive Counseling and “Roadmap to Graduation and Beyond” Partial Block Scheduling ALSO – technology – TED Talks, You Tube – renowned scientists, entrepreneurs, etc.
Size of Treatment Groups: revised FSC – 250/ year Bowie – 100/year Central CT – 100/year Kean Univ - 100/year SUNY OW -100/year Unduplicated 4-year total = 2,600 Equal size control groups
First in the World Web Site: Personnel Serving all 5 See handout
Changes that need to be made: Foundational courses – reconfigure to include active project-based & problem solving - supplemented by Treisman – style collaborative learning groups College Experience Courses – especially Sophomore/transfer year experience course Special Events – to build group cohesion & hear active researches
Research – both on campus or off- campus leading to on-campus poster sessions Advisement and Mentoring - required
Timeline –see handout in packet Year I - Planning First cohorts enter fall 2016
Budgets: Still being refined…..but Each partner will be awarded c. 280,000 (instead of original 195K) Meeting Friday Afternoon with team leaders
our consortorium our consortorium Will meet President Obama’s Goal Will serve as a model for other public and private institutions where the bulk of American students are educated