Single Auction Office 1 Mini-Forum of Central Western Europe Brussels, 20th June 2006 Dr. Frank-Peter Hansen Federal Network Agency
Single Auction Office 2 Objectives Creation of a real Internal Electricity Market Intensify cross-border trade Harmonisation of the Roadmaps within the Region Harmonisation of the Auction Rules for the Region establishment of a Single Auction Office
Single Auction Office 3 Single Auction Office Advantages One-stop shopping Optimal coordination is assured Reduce transaction costs Example: Only one bank guarantee is needed More detailed information is expected by results of analysis of the German and French TSOs on the advantages and disadvantages of one single auction office by end of June 2006
Single Auction Office 4 Single Auction Office Experiences TSO Auction Office B.V.: Elia/ TenneT/ E.on/ RWE Established in 2000 Common calculation of capacity Conduction of the auctions Organisation of secondary trading Coordinated registration and solvency requirements
Single Auction Office 5 Single Auction Office Challenges Regulatory Authorities Who is responsible for monitoring of the Auction Office? How to consider the national legal requirements? TSOs How to organise a regional single auction office? One of the TSOs or separate legal entity? Where to locate the auction office? Splitting of costs? Market Parties Which benefits do you expect?
Single Auction Office 6 Thank you for you attention! Dr. Frank-Peter Hansen Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunication, Post and Railway Mittelstraße 2-10, Bonn Tel: