The Royal College of Nursing Dolores McCormick Senior Professional Development Officer.


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Presentation transcript:

The Royal College of Nursing Dolores McCormick Senior Professional Development Officer

The Voice of Nursing u Member led organisation, specific to nurses and nursing and represent nurses, healthcare assistants and students across all care settings u The RCN is the largest professional organisation for nurses in the UK (430,000 members)

RCN Charter Objectives u Promote the science and art of nursing and education and training in the profession of nursing u Promote the advance of nursing as a profession u Promote the professional standing and interests of members

RCN Charter Objectives u Assist Members who by reason of adversity, ill-health or otherwise are in need of assistance of any nature u Promote through the medium of international agencies and otherwise the foregoing purposes in other countries as well as the UK

Mission Statement The Royal College of Nursing u Represents nurses and nursing u Promotes excellence in practice u Shapes health policie s

Engagement u How has the RCN in NI been promoting the professional standards and interests of our members employed within the Independent Secto r?

u Listening to the views of Nurses and HCA’s u Political influencing (party conferences, meetings with the Minister, Assembly Health Committee) u Strategic relationships and partnerships u Policy formulation and consultation responses u Employment Relations Department u Facilitating education and development u Networks and Forums

Learning and Development Programmes u Leadership programme for registered managers u Programmes for registered nurses u Fundamentals of care for health care assistants u Bespoke Programmes

Information and Learning u Library and information zone u Largest online library Europe u Online resources ie First Steps, End of Life Care u Conferences, workshops

Networks and Forums u OPENN u IS Nurse managers u Learning disability

IS Nurse Managers Network u Provide a platform for engagement with nurse managers and the RCN u Provide a voice for nurse managers u Increase the profile of nursing within the independent sector u Identify learning and development needs and work to meet those needs u Comment on policy and public consultation

Learning Agreements u Partnership between the employer and the RCN u Outlines support for employees life long learning u Commitment to learning in the workplace u Learning Representatives

RCN Foundation u Rae Bequest - Course or programme that will benefit the education of nurses u Marcie Mackie enhance nursing through personal development or research u

What's around? u Revalidation u Duty of Candour u Capacity Bill u Delegation

Duty of candour u What is it?

Professional duty u Duty to be open and honest when untoward events occur u Applies to all healthcare professionals u Joint statement by 8 regulators (Oct 2014)

Statutory duty u Statutory duty confined to England and Wales, will be extended to NI u Donaldson Report (Feb 2015)

When does the duty arise u Professional duty – As soon as you recognise something has gone wrong u Statutory duty – As soon as possible after a notifiable safety incidence

Professional Duty u Off course not just confined to untoward incidents, is central to the nurse/patient relationship, that requires patients to be kept informed about their care and treatment u Consent

What must you do? u Professional duty – Individual duty, do what you can to put matters right. Speak to patient Tell patient what has gone wrong Explain short and long term affects Share information and apologise

What must be done? u Statutory duty – collective, borne by organisation –notify the relevant person –Give an account of all known facts –Advise of other relevant enquiries –Apology –Record incident in writing

Things do go wrong u Nurses can and do make errors u Not always evidence of poor care u Liability does not always arise u How will the standard be judged?

Resources u What do you do when you know care is unsafe due to a lack of resources?

When something goes wrong u NMC require honesty and trustworthy u Only get into more trouble if not u Co-ordinated response by nurse and organisation u Open and transparent system u Apologise

Mental Capacity Bill u Bamford recommended review of mental health legislation u People with capacity should be allowed to make decisions u When do not have capacity the Bill will set out a legal framework for making decisions and carrying our actions

Mental Capacity Bill u Principles-based - builds upon, the existing common law presumption of capacity in persons aged 16 and over and the common law principle of best interests.

u greater emphasis on the need to support people to exercise their capacity to make decisions where they can.

u Important to remember about capacity to make decisions, not about having a particular mental health condition or a learning disability.

Remember u Any decision must be in a patients best interest u More intrusive the intervention the greater the safe guard

u Currently passing through the legislative process u Proposed enactment is 31 March 2016 with a phased implementation thereafter. u Codes of practice will need to be agreed

Consider u In what ways will this reflect your practice? u What type of situations do you think you will need to consider the principles enshrined in law?

Delegation u Be accountable in your decisions to delegate tasks and duties to other people (NMC 2015)

u u