Significant changes in observed CO 2 and O 2 online records at Jungfraujoch station C.Uglietti, M. Leuenberger, F.L.Valentino Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern 5 th CarboEurope-IP Meeting, Poznan, Poland, 7-12 October, 2007
Sampling site: Jungfraujoch Switzerland 46°33’N, 7°59’O 3580m a.s.l. Jungfraujoch Descret Sampling: 2 flasks samples every week, 1L glass flasks, sampling time: Continuous Sampling: CO 2 and O 2 measured with different devices
Jungfraujoch on-line and flasks data trends O 2 /N 2 = -33 per meg/yr CO 2 = 1.61 ppm/yr CO 2 = 1.88 ppm/yr on-line trend line flasks trend line O 2 /N 2 = -22 per meg/yr on-line trend line flasks trend line
How are trends calculated? O 2 /N 2 = -33 per meg/yr CO 2 = 1.61 ppm/yr CO 2 = 1.88 ppm/yr on-line trend line flasks trend line O 2 /N 2 = -22 per meg/yr on-line trend line flasks trend line Trends and harmonics not correctly deseasonalized ( ) Trends and harmonics after Nakazawa (2005 – 2007) O 2 /N 2 = -45 per meg/yrCO 2 = 2.4 ppm/yr flasks trend line Trends are dependent on the period considered
Comments and conclusions: The agreement between flasks and on line data is good for CO 2 and moderate for O 2. Continuous data reveal additional short-term variations suggesting to reconsider our restrictive outlier criteria for the flasks measurements. The continuous measurements can be used to better validate the flask data and vice versa. Continuous measurements give us more reliable information on short term variations (diurnal or weekly variations). Of particular interest is the influence of diurnal and seasonal signal strength to trend estimations. Trend analysis is quite complicated because results do depend on spline tools used.
Thanks for your attention!
CO 2 comparison with selected online values