University of Derby (UoD) Education, Health & Sciences Arts, Design & Technology Derbyshire Business School UoD College Buxton Business Development Unit Applied Vision Research Institute UoD became a University in 1993 ~ 24,500 students ~ 16,700 higher education ~ 7,800 further education Widening participation (> 50% students > 21 years) elearning
Applied Vision Research Institute - UoD Established in 2003 Research & Consultancy Small ~ 15 staff, ~11 research students Dedicated Research Institute All work is externally funded ‘The’ major external research and consultancy group in the University Generate >25% of University’s external research funding
Other Non-COGAIN Research Areas Breast cancer –national assessment & training programme, visual search, ergonomics, digital systems, computer aids Cervical cancer – ergonomics, visual search; colour image standards Driving – new technology, visual search Medical errors – search, labelling, colour Colour science, imaging Usability testing, HCI
Interest in COGAIN Very varied Basic interest in saccadic eye movements – especially as a control system Development of hardware and software, testing, ergonomics of final systems
Involvement with Eye Movements Various eye movement systems (ASL 4000, 504, 501; Tobii, Smarteye, DPI, several others) ~ 30 years in applied eye movement research Dedicated eye movement labs. Range of vision/ergonomic/colour imaging/imaging projects Main interests: –medical imaging, scene perception, driving, real world scenarios etc.
e.g. National Gallery Experiment The ?? largest eye movement experiment Ran for three months 110,000 people saw it 9,884 took part 5,446 successfully completed whole experiment ‘Rather large’ data set Developing new data visualisation/ analyses approaches
COGAIN related projects ART (Attention Responsive Technology) funded by ESRC (UK). 3 year project Developing new communication/control methods for the disadvantaged. EPAULETS(Enhanced Perceptual Anti- terrorism Universal Luggage Examination Training System) funded by EPSRC (UK). 3 year project Training aspect of the project is related.
Prof. Alastair Gale Dr. Guowei Hong Dr. Fangmin Shi Mr. Kevin Purdy Main UoD COGAIN staff