communicationcommunication Created by- Upendra Sharma
Computer communication Early radio communication use Morse code for communication. It is based on assigning a series of pulse to represent each letter of Alfa bate. In Morse code any single transmitted value have two possible state, a dos and a dash. This is on of value represent two numbers 1 and 0.
The value of 0 represent no signal or off and the value of 1 represent a single signal or on state. It is called binary notation because it is use only two digit 0 and 1.
Binary language It the fundamental of under standing a pc technology. It is use only two digit to represent any text. So the base of binary language is 2.
Bit and bytes Bits- a bit is smallest unit of information that is recognized by a computer. I single bit on or off event, Byte- a byte is a group of 8 bits it is require to represent one character.
Binary units Bit - smallest unit Nibble – 4 bit Byte – 8 bit Character – 16 bit or two byte Kilo byte – 1024 bytes Mega byte – 1024 kilo byte Giga byte – 1024 mega byte Tetra byte – 1024 giga byte Petra byte – 1024 tera byte Hexa byte – 1024 petra byte.
Binary number system The binary number system use the base of 2(0 and 1). A bit can only exits only two state 0 and 1 Where 0 = off 1 = on
Conting in binary notification Binary notification uses the same system of right to left coloum on assending value. The facter use in the binary is 2. Example = value = 8 bit
ASCII CODE It is standard code for handling text character on most modern computers is called ASCII code. It is consists of 128 character reprinting the English alphabets, numerics and certain control characters. The the extended character set contain the original 128 and additional 128 characters.
representation Symbol 0 – 9 A – Z a - z Decimal =4 – 57 =65 – 90 =