12 Chemistry 2.5 organic chemistry CR 07 Alcohols Alcohols have the function group –OH General formula: C n H 2n+1 OH or C n H 2n+2 O.


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Presentation transcript:

12 Chemistry 2.5 organic chemistry CR 07 Alcohols Alcohols have the function group –OH General formula: C n H 2n+1 OH or C n H 2n+2 O

12 Chemistry 2.5 organic chemistry CR 07 Classification of alcohols Primary alcohols – the C atom with the OH group attached is attached to only one other C atom (OH on one end) CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH

12 Chemistry 2.5 organic chemistry CR 07 Secondary alcohol: the C atom with the OH group attached is attached to two other C atoms CH 3 CH 2 CHOHCH 3 Tertiary alcohol: the C atom with the OH group attached is attached to three other C atoms CH 3 CH 2 C(CH 3 )OHCH 3

12 Chemistry 2.5 organic chemistry CR 07 Properties of alcohols 1.  M -  MP and  BP 2.Short chain alcohols are miscible with water due to the polar OH group but longer chain alcohols are not miscible with water

12 Chemistry 2.5 organic chemistry CR 07 3.Combustion – undergo complete and incomplete combustion 4.Oxidation of alcohols: 1 0 alcohol  aldehyde  carboxylic acid O O CH 3 CH 2 OH  CH 3 C –H  CH 3 C-OH Aldehyde step very quick

12 Chemistry 2.5 organic chemistry CR 07 Oxidation of alcohols 2 0 alcohols  ketones alcohols  not oxidised Chem Oxidant: Cr 2 O 7 - (orange)  Cr 3+ (green)