1 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference Milan – 23° - 24° November 2005 The CEN-CENELEC Activities on Standardisation of Energy Management topics Mario de Renzio FIRE - Federazione Italiana per l’uso Razionale dell’Energia
2 The energy world has changed very much in the last years and is still continously changing, with new laws and rules, both national and international, and market openings and evolutions. There is therefore a need for common and shared references. 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
3 As a consequence CEN – Comité Européen de Normalisation, and CENELEC - Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechinique have decided, back in 2002, to establish a Joint Advisory Group CEN/CENELEC – BT/JWG – EM, on the Energy Management subjects, with the participation of the National Standard Organisations, with the aims of: 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
4 investigating and listing the existing and proposed laws and regulations on the matter, in each European country and the European Union; finding out and listing the subject Standards, existing and under development; defining the needs for new Standards, based on current and future legislation and on market requests; making recommendations on the Standardisation work to be undertaken. 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
5 The Energy Management activities have been divided in 5 main categories: - Building - Industry - Transport - Production and Distribution - General aspects of common interest to the categories above 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
6 On the basis of the Country Reports presented, and of a large consultation, 21 subjects of main interest have been identified, and a project coordinator has been assigned to each one of these to further investigate and define the subject, stating: 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
7 -description of the subject -benefits and impact on Energy Management -the regulatory situation -existing relevant Standards and related bodies -the stakeholders, or interested parties -proposal for future work -level of priority 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
8 The Subjects of major interest to this Conference are: -Energy Management Systems -Energy Managers and Experts -Energy Service Companies (ESCO) -Energy savings and efficiency calculation -White Certificates -Green Certificates 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
9 All of these (except the “White Certificates”) have been classified of priority A, say for immediate action. All of these have been coordinated by Italy (“except the “Green Certificates” assigned to Sweden). For all of these there is no existing structure and a new body has to be set up 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
10 The Final Report with the recommendation of the Advisory Group has been presented to the CEN and CENELEC BTs at the end of March 2005, and has been fully approved and adopted. 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
11 The next step is now setting up the new structure responsible for developing the Standards, and CEN has asked the national organisations for candidatures. UNI and CEI, the Italian Standards Organisations have confirmed their availability to manage the CEN/CENELEC body, which is expected to start the work in the beginning of the next year. 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
12 Meanwhile UNI and CEI have established a similar mirror group UNI-CEI-GGE, with CTI- Italian Termotechnical Committee secretariat in charge for the Energy Management Standards and activities, gathering the interested experts to develop the needed Standards. 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
13 The Standards: 1° “Energy Management System” Defines the organisation inside a company of a management system, very similar to the corrisponding: Quality Management Sistems (ISO 9.000), and Environment Management Systems (ISO ). 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
14 The structure and the content of the proposed EN Standard would be very similar to the already existing: Danish Std: - DS 2403 E : "Energy Management - Specifications" - DS/INF 136 E : "Energy Management - Guidance on Energy Management" Swedish Std: - SS ( ): "Energy Management Systems - Specifications" Irish Std: - I.S ( ): "Energy Management Systems – Requirements with Guidance for Use“ A US ANSI Standard “MSE 2000” on this subject is also existing 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
15 The Standards: 2° “Energy Managers and Experts” This Standard should define the possible roles, the characteristics and the minimum professional requirements of such Experts, to be pubblicly recognized by a certification procedure. 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
16 They can serve, - as consultants or employed by private or public bodies, the energy related enterprises, like users, suppliers or ESCOs, for energy audits or inspections; - efficiency improvement project proposal, implementation, certifications, verifications and/or validation, - building performance certification; etc. 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
17 The Standards: 3° “Energy Service Companies – ESCO” The rapidly expanding business of the energy services requires references to provide the definition, and to define the characteristics, the services offered and the minimum requirements for companies providing such services. The Standard would also be the basis for a possible public certification process. 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
18 Such Standards require definitions shared among all the “stakeholders” and we therefore invite the interested parties to get in touch vith the related European and national Standardisation bodies to cooperate on the development of the proposed Standards. 1° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”
19 Thanks for your attention Mario de Renzio For the Conference Proceedings see at: User: emc 2005 Pwd: ° European ENERGY MANAGEMENT Conference “The CEN-CENELEC activities on Energy Management Standardisation”