Education for sustainable development Teacher training for sustainable development in education Mitra Gadtaula 17 Nov, 2009
1. overview of the presentation 1. introduction 2. status and achievement 3. future mandates 4. contribution to the sustainability
2. NCED Vision NCED desires to stand as an internationally reputed institution with a lead role of enhancing excellence in management and pedagogical practices resulting in quality education by inventing and furnishing new knowledge and perspectives through developing competent and vibrant cadres.
3. NCED as an Institution x Identity: Government department under MOES Networks: 34 Allied ETCs, 46 Lead Resource Centres, Source of fund: Government Governing law: Education Act/Regulation, Civil Service Code
4. Mandates to the NCED milestones HRD formative research Open learning & distance education Certification and accreditation of prof. training
5. Service Delivery Approach under NCED Flexibility and Networking Partnership With resource institutions Empowerment of own networks
6. status of major contribution to the system 1. all in-service teachers (98.2%) made trained in professional qualification (10-month training) 2. so far, >70% school principals (primary and secondary levels) made trained in more than 1-month school management training 3. more than 80% educational managers (school supervisors, DEOs and Gaz-II/I officers made graduated in at least 1- month ed. management course 4. NCED-AIT Linkage for ICB of NCED/MOE system under implementation for the past 3 years
7. status till the date, 5300 students made enrolled under open secondary school 6. Operationalized various teacher and student support (SLC support, IRI lessons for grade-1, community/teacher awareness ) programs in 7 different languages) 7. increased from 1% to 5% representation of DAG candidates in teaching through scholarship intervention for pre-service primary teacher training
8. Status pool of >3900 trained professionals in the roster and >200 in the regular system specialized mainly in 3 areas a) Teacher training; b) Management training and research; c) and Distance teacher training 9. Made operational 1-yr. TPC on top of the non-ed PCL/HSE also as 1 yr course of the 3-yr B-ED
9. future mandates to the NCED 1. TSM integrated *TPD program designed to be field- based and demand/problem solving professional inputs 2. organization restructuring of NCED/training system- gradually preparing for operational autonomy and role alignments (line functions and staff functions) 3. expansion of training access- private school- teachers accessing to accredit able customized training modules through private training agencies under full-cost recovery method
9. future qualification upgrading program- professional degree courses initially targeting to the to-be-remained underqualified teachers under the SSR and to all educators at the end 5. launch of professional degree courses (Master/Ph.D) in collaboration with national and foreign universities targeting to the in-service teachers/educators working in the system
* The TPD program design 1. As indicated in the SSR, 30 days program for five years 2. Split of the program into 3 TPD modules of 10 days each 3. Each module further split into 3 parts:- 1. Part-1: Training cum workshop for 5 days (L/RC/ETC- based) 2. Part-2: Self study for 3 days equivalent (school- based) 3. Part-3: Instructional counseling for 2 days (school- based) 4. The TPD module developed on the basis of written TPD Need Proposals submitted by the schools
*the TPD TPD for the Basic level from 1045 RCs/for the secondary from 46 LRC + 29 ETCs 6. To ensure the access of all teachers to the TPD program in 5 years, or 2/3 teachers to access to one TPD module of 10 days annually 7. DEO appointed TPD Roster comprising teacher- experts in 6 core subjects to be established in each RC and LRC to be developed and mobilized 8. Altogether, number of TPD roster under 1128 TPD hubs counted to form a force of almost 7145 roster in the country
10. contribution to the sustainable development 1. enhanced professional capacity in entire teaching force and MOE system 2. credible institutional-base to cater future needs of the MOE/school sectors 3. new model of TD underway blended with teachers' accountability and constant application of the skills
Wind up Thank You for Your Patience And Welcome Comments and Suggestions