8 TH COMMUNICATIONS Back to School Night
Kristin Wright-8 th grade Communications or My plan is from 2:13pm to 2:57pm.
Assignments can be found on Web Backpack. Assignments can be found in the Student Planner on the Ipad. If your student needs individual help on an assignment please encourage him/her to come before school. I will be happy to help. I am not available Monday morning or afternoon; or Tuesday morning.
Syllabus 1 st Quarter Paragraphs; 6 Trait Writing; Affixes “My Left Foot” Close reading, Summarizing, Main Idea, Supporting Details with Textural Evidence Research and Informal Speeches
Syllabus 2nd Quarter Informational Text focused on Cause/Effect, Compare/Contrast, Problem/Solution, and Sequence Researching a Career; Writing Expository Paper; presenting Career, using technology
Syllabus 3 rd Quarter The Diary of Anne Frank or Night Central Theme, Author’s Style, Text Structure Point of View, Connection between characters, ideas, and events Research a question related to the Holocaust and the literature; and present findings
Syllabus 4 th Quarter Argumentation Assessing whether a text valid Comparing/Contrasting Two Texts with opposing views Write arguments supported by clear claims and valid evidence. Debate
Homework, Grades, Gum Homework-In my class homework usually consists of assignments that were not finished in class. I almost always give students a chance to work on homework in class. Grades-Daily work is worth 20%. Tests are worth 80%. Gum-I do allow gum.