Grade 9 The Transition to High School
Multiple Pathways
Beginning with an end in mind
ELA 10-1 ELA 10-2 ELA 10-4 >85% 50-65% Language Arts 9 ELA 10 AP 65-85% needed for all university programs Can be used for college Certificate route
Social Studies 9 > 65% 50-65% Social 10-1 Social 10-2 Social 10-4 Both can be used for college or university Certificate route
Math 9 >85% 50-65% Mathematics 10AP Mathematics 10c Math 10-3/10C Prep Math % Math 31 and 30-1 are needed for calculus- based professions 30-2 Math is acceptable for many university programs Certificate route
Science 14 >65% Science 10 Science % Science 9 Needed for many post- secondary programs Certificate route
What is advanced placement? What programs are offered? What extra-curricular opportunities are there? How many options do I get in grade 10? What do I need for university? Should I take CALM in summer school before grade 10?
Recommend sheet
Creating Success now Morning, lunch hour and after school homework support as needed by student initiative Weekly communications from teachers Development of Homework Hotel, directed by teachers Communication meetings Targeted interventions and tutorials around key times (semesters, PAT’s) Use of myblueprint account to better understand high school streaming and post-secondary planning
Grade 9 Teaching Staff Bob Beauregard Dominique Hemmens Lee Kennedy Joanne Lafferty Coralee Legault Dana MacLeod Derek Masterman Angelica McDonald Norma Matheson Calli Robertson