11 Trillion $ Current National Debt, and Climbing...
Consumes more than 8% of the Federal Budget...
Would take 100% (est.) of 2010 GDP to pay debt in full...
Approximately $40,0000 for every man, woman, and child in the U.S....
Expect an Increasing Tax Burden... ❖ Income Taxes - Federal & State ❖ Social Security - Increase Tax or Decrease Benefits ❖ Medicare - Escalating Medical Care ❖ Other Taxes & Fees - Fuel Tax, Building Permits ❖ 2007 Tax Revenue approximately $2.4 Trillion
Debt is a useful tool... ❖ Good Debt: Education (Assets) ❖ Bad Debt: Lifestyle Living (Liabilities)
Risks to Business Operations... ❖ Inflationary forces (1942) ❖ Interest Rate Changes
Our Future... ❖ U.S. in 21 st Century similar to UK in late 20 th Century. ❖ China/Pakistan will become dominate Econopolitical Countries. ❖ Europe will plan a more prominent role in world affairs Million. ❖ US will Loose 2-Front Military Capability. ❖ US will need to act like a world partner similar to right after WWII.
Our Decisions......Affects our Futures. orThis...