訊號與系統 廖文淵 德霖技術學院資訊工程系
Introduction to MATLAB
What is MATLAB? MATLAB is programming language and data visualization software package which is especially effective in signal processing and systems analysis URL: (The MathWorks, Inc.) Latest version : Release 13
MATLAB Desktop
Command Window
Current Directory Browser
Workspace Browser
Array Editor
MATLAB Variables
MATLAB Vectors
MATLAB Matrices
Special Matrices
Math functions
Complex Number
Complex Number Operation
Matrix Operations
Flow Control Operations :For
Flow Control Operations : While
Flow Control Operations : If
M-Files and Mat-Files MATLAB m-files (*.m) are sequences of commands typed with an editor and saved in an m-file –As Script –As Function MATLAB mat-files (*.mat) are compressed binary files used to store numerical results
M-File As Script
M-File As Function
mat-files (*.mat)
Plotting Commands
Example of Plotting (1)
Example of Plotting (2)
Example of Plotting (3)
Example of Plotting (4)
Computer Exercises Plot