How to write a useful abstract By Janis Ramey Report by Heidi Christensen
What is a useful abstract? “A useful abstract is a well constructed paragraph with an informative topic sentence followed by two or three supporting sentences. The supporting sentences are arranged in a logical order and the ideas are connected with good transition. Inspiration for the topic sentence should come from the recommendations, results, conclusions, tutorial, and summary sections of the document, rather than from the title or introduction.”
3 easy steps to writing a useful abstract… Write a topic sentence Write two or three supporting sentences. Tie everything together with good order and transition.
The topic sentence The topic sentence should include what you expect the reader to learn from the document. This should include the major idea, the main purpose, or the main focus of the document. Inspiration may come from summaries, conclusions, and results sections of the document. Do not look at just the title of the document, it may not contain enough information for a topic sentence. Be sure that the topic sentence states specific things about the document.
The supporting sentences… Write two or three supporting sentences which provide details to the ideas described in the topic sentence. Answer the Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? of the document. Important results and statistics may be included in these sentences. Try to include only two or three supporting ideas.
Make it flow… Make sure to arrange the supporting sentences in a logical order from the topic sentence. Add any transitions that are necessary to connect the supporting ideas to the topic sentence.
A few suggestions… Write the abstract after the document is written so that it accurately reflects the contents of the document. If you have trouble beginning a topic sentence, write the supporting sentences first and then tie them together with the topic sentence. Try to limit acronyms, abbreviations, and technical terms. Reread the abstract after a few hours or days have passed to be sure that all information is necessary.
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