Gold or Poison? Gold, Silver, Palladium, Platinum and base metals- Copper, Lead, Zinc, and Tin … Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Beryllium, Brominated flame retardants, Polluting polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic…
Where do WEEE go? Landfill or incineration (contaminate soil, ground water and air.) “Recycle” (Under this name, 50-80% e- waste are exported in US.)
Environmental Kuznets Curve
“Comparative Advantage” Cheap labor Loose environmental regulation - Pollution Heaven Hypothesis “Differences in the stringency of environmental regulations between the developed and the developing countries will provide the latter with a comparative advantage in pollution intensive production. ”(Cole,2003)
Extended Producer Responsibility
Informal Sector
Formal Sector
Informal Sector Formal Sector
Proposed future scenario
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