IM Power Project Summer 2007 Raye Gomez April Wensel Heather Tomko Jen Mankoff (mentor) Anind Dey
Goals Motivation reduce the amount of idle time to decrease carbon emissions (i.e. ecological footprint) Determine Average user idle time Reasons for idle time How to cause user reduce idle time
Set-Up Subjects Completed two week monitoring: 50 Laptop users: 40 Desktop users: 10 Completed study: ~30 laptop users desktop users TBA
Set-Up (cont.) Randomly chosen for interview: 15 so far: 8 laptop users, desktop users TBA 8 laptop interviewees also gave preliminary opinions on feedback devices All subjects Bot diary on last day Daily survey each night before logging off
Daily Survey Were you logged onto primary your computer while online today? If not, at what times? How many hours did you spend using the computer? What was the shortest/longest amount of time that you stayed online? How long was your computer performing assigned tasks requiring no input (i.e. virus scan)? How long was it not? What power mode was your computer in today? Describe all the times that you went idle and why. What programs were you running today?
Bot Diary Every time a user came back from idle on last day: Hello, it looks like you just returned from being idle. What were you just doing just now? What was your computer doing this time?
Information We Were Looking For Time of status changes Frequency and duration of idle times User awareness when they were idle what their power settings were what programs they were running. Interviews to get more in-depth information about reasons for idle time
Our Findings - General Surveys 95% of users run their computer on AC. Biggest motivators for energy saving Money Altruism About half of users use automatic standby/sleep setting
Our Findings - Interviews (Daily Surveys and Logs) Most idle time for short periods (i.e. eating, cooking, bathroom, phone, etc.) The average user believes turning the computer off extends the life of the machine leaves their computer on for easy access Most common running programs: web browser, followed by the client Most users run a screen saver, but only about half run anti-virus software
Suggestions For those running nothing while idle: roughly 85% "Consider turning your computer off when you won't be using it for 30 minutes or more." (roughly 50%) "Turn off your computer when you go to sleep." (less than 5%) "Program your settings to automatically put your computer to sleep after 10 minutes of being idle." (roughly 10%) **The percentage of users in this category that ALWAYS leave their computer in full power mode is about 60%.
Initial Technology AIM bot Built with AIM SDK in Java Keeps subjects in Buddy List Records status changes of all subjects Accepts commands from experimenter diary study survey reminders
Additional Technology Sensor In Java Records processes, CPU usage, TCP usage Updates database every minute Logger In Ruby Provides access to database through URL, e.g. :timestamp/:eventid/:eventname/:notes
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables Modalities Content
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables guilt vs. reward awareness vs. suggestions frequency of feedback historic vs. real time information Modalities Content
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables guilt vs. reward awareness vs. suggestions frequency of feedback historic vs. real time information Modalities Content
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables Modalities window (constant or pop-up) instant message tray icon cell phone text message audio screen saver Content
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables Modalities window (constant or pop-up) instant message tray icon cell phone text message audio screen saver Content
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables Modalities Content kwh of energy dollars pounds of co2 trees hours
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables Modalities Content kwh of energy dollars pounds of co2 trees hours
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables Modalities Content kwh of energy dollars pounds of co2 trees hours
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables Modalities Content kwh of energy dollars pounds of co2 trees hours
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables Modalities Content kwh of energy dollars pounds of co2 trees hours
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables Modalities Content kwh of energy dollars pounds of co2 trees hours
Phase II – Behavior Change Choices Variables Modalities Content kwh of energy dollars pounds of co2 trees hours
Tentative Plans Study effect of personalized suggestions on behavior change Hypothesis Personalized suggestions will cause greater change than awareness alone Measure Energy saving attitudes Surveys, interviews Idle behavior Bot, sensor
Tentative Plans 60 participants 1 week baseline 2 weeks with feedback 3 groups Idle cost Idle cost + generic suggestions Idle cost + personalized updates + opportunity
Three Feedback Types Group 1 No suggestions. Group 2 Turn your computer off at night. Group 3 Instead of downloading at night, download over lunch and turn your computer off at night.
Components AIM bot Sends info to logger about user status changes whenever they happen Sends suggestion to database when user comes off of idle Feedback program Logger Database
Components AIM bot Feedback program Installed on client machines Sends CPU/TCP usage Retrieves idle time, suggestions, status Window Logger Database
Components AIM bot Feedback program Logger Provides access to database via URLs as before Database
Components AIM bot Feedback program Logger Database Stores AIM status and CPU/TCP data
Suggestions Hand generated for each user after baseline AIM bot chooses best Priority during current time period When same suggestion was last sent Displayed in window
Window Projected annual cost based on today Change from baseline projection Change from yesterday’s projection Suggestion when user comes back from being idle