LIGHT No electricity so candles were used. 1810 convent gardens used 270 candles and 300 oil lamps just to light the stage and scenery Since the introduction of electricity in the late 19 th century lighting has become more and more sophisticated. Theatre moved indoors in the 1600’s
LIGHTING CONTINUED.. Gas allowed greater control of the quality of light and made it possible to vary the levels of light on the stage. It only became standard practice to darken the auditorium in the later half of the 19 th century.
SOUND Until the 1890’s, sound effects were all produced traditionally. Thunder was created by rolling a sheet of iron or rolling cannon balls down a wooden trough. A rumbling vibration was created by striking a big wooden drum with the skin tightly stretched over it. Wind was created using a wind machine which resembled a paddle-steamer wheel. Rain was made by crushing dried peas into a wooden box and shaking it.
VOICE/MUSIC They had live orchestra which is still used in todays theatres The actors had to project their voices because there were no microphones
MAKEUP Foundation: Use a combination of light ivory and brown-ish brick red Shading: Put a slight shadow on either side of the nose and under the cheek bone using brown Lips: Outline the lips in a darkish colour. Full lips suggest sensuousness (appealing). Eyes: Use dull/darkish colours on the eye hallow and use dark eyeliner. Also darken eye brows and highlight the upper and lower lids.
MAKEUP CONTINUED.. Nose – Heavy shading on either side will make the nose seem narrower. Highlighting on the ridge in addition to the shading will make it appear long and straight.