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Presentation transcript:

Guess the topic of this lesson from the following video clip.

This is the female body’s way of preparing to reproduce TAKE NOTES IN WORKBOOKS OF WORDS IN BOLD When a girl goes through puberty one of the changes that occurs is that she will begin to have periods. A girl will get her period when there is a change in hormones in the pituitary gland in the brain. This is the female body’s way of preparing to reproduce A woman’s reproductive system works on a 28 day cycle This cycle is known as the menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle consists of A number of stages In this lesson we will learn what those stages are.....

Day 1 – 7 The menstruation cycle starts with the first day of a woman’s period. This is the name given to the time of the month when the lining of the uterus comes away and exits through the vagina as blood.

Day 7 - 13 Around day 7 the blood flow stops. The lining of the uterus begins to build up again. At this time an egg starts to mature in one of the ovaries The egg supply in a woman is created when she is an unborn baby in the mothers womb

Day 14 (The Middle) On the 14th day which is the middle of the cycle, an egg is released by an ovary into the oviduct.

Day 14 - 17 The egg can last up to 3 days after it is released from the ovary. During this time the egg travels down the oviduct and into the uterus hoping to be fertilised. This is when there is a greater chance of falling pregnant through the cycle.

Day 18 - 28 If the egg is not fertilised then the lining of the uterus begins to break down.

The cycle starts over again... Day 1 – 7 The cycle starts over again expelling the lining of the uterus and the egg. Remember this is known as a period or menstruation.

What is Menopause Menopause is when a woman stops having her period usually around the age of 50, this is due to the body no longer making enough eostrogen.

How do I know when my period is coming? Before your period you may experience the feeling of being: Bloated Putting on weight Sore Breasts Pain around your lower back or below your belly button Pimples Lacking Energy

IMPORTANT Due to blood loss during your period often girls are anaemic, this means that your body is lacking Iron and you feel constantly tired. Especially for girls it is important to eat foods that are high in Iron such as; Dark Green vegetables (Spinach, peas, green beans, broccoli) Potato, Pumpkin, Beans Wholewheat Breads and Rice Red meat e.g Steak Nuts, Oats.

Why is my period irregular? Often when you first start getting your period it may not come every 28 days and will be irregular (not at the same time each month). This is due to your hormones being unbalanced at the beginning of puberty.

What do I use to manage my period? Tampon and Pads are used to soak up the blood from your period Some periods may show a lot of blood and some very little Tampons if inserted correctly cannot be felt inside you. Tampons need to be changed regularly for health safety. Pads are not as clean and tidy but are easier to use when you first start getting your period.

How often do I change my tampon ? It is important to change your tampon every 4-6 hours to avoid bacterial infection called Toxic Shock Syndrome. Sometimes your tampon may carry bacteria from the outside world and carry the bacteria into a wound inside your vagina that you cant see. Try to use lubricant to help insert a tampon to ensure you do not graze the insides of your vagina. Signs of TSS include vomiting, diarrhea, rash, high temperature, aches and pains, sore throat. If you think you may have TSS remove the tampon and seek a doctor immediately.

Experiment With your partner, using a measuring cup measure how much water the tampon/pad you are given holds. Discuss with other partners how much theirs holds and compare. Conclusion- find out which sanitary item would work best and why. Fill in your experiment handout.