R1-R9 Review In the Back of your Book!!! MAP PROJECTIONS
Global Information Systems (GIS) Global Positioning System (GPS)
Remote Sensing Remote Sensing - technology used to create maps, without having to physically touch the territory being described. Often deployed from a plane or satellite.
For each of the following Map Projections consider… 1. Why is this Map type valuable? 2. What is the purpose of this type of Map? 3. What information does / can this Map convey?
THE LAW OF MAPS You cannot unfold a GLOBE equally!!! There will always be some degree of distortion!!! Shape / Size vs. Direction
Mercator Projection
Robinson Projection
Fuller Projection
Azimuthal Projection
Contour Lines
Isoline Map
Choropleth Map
Cartogram Map
World Map of Political Borders
Cartogram Map – World Population Borders/Area distorted to show data
Cartogram Map Transforms Space (of political unit) Borders/Area distorted to show data Greatest value for some type of data becomes largest mass of area
Cartogram Article Cartogram Project