5 Themes of Geography Global Connections Mr. DelGaudio.


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Presentation transcript:

5 Themes of Geography Global Connections Mr. DelGaudio

Who (use adjectives and names) Who (use adjectives and names) What (the definition, or accomplishments) What (the definition, or accomplishments) Where (be specific as possible) Where (be specific as possible) When (specific Dates) When (specific Dates) Why (significance AND implications) Why (significance AND implications) These Id’s should be 2-3 Sentences (not just bullet points) These Id’s should be 2-3 Sentences (not just bullet points) IDENTIFICATION FORMAT

Cartography Maps v. Globes Maps v. Globes –Map projections  Mercator –Distortion increases in size and distance as you move from equator. Useful for early sailors because of true directions and shapes  Goode’s Interrupted Equal Area –True size and shape, distance is distorted  Robinson –Flattens out polar areas

Mercator (1569) Positive: used by sailors because it preserves linear scale and allows strait course lines. Also preserves angles and shapes Negative: scale is distorted especially towards the poles

Interrupted and Robinson Projections An equal area image. Problem? A compromise between equal area and conformal Interrupted projection

Location Absolute Location Exactly where something is found on a map Exactly where something is found on a map Latitude Latitude –Measures North and South –Equator (0 degrees) Longitude Longitude –Measures East and West –Prime Meridian (0 degrees) Relative Location Where something is located in relationship to something that is more well known. Where something is located in relationship to something that is more well known. Depends on a persons knowledge of an area Depends on a persons knowledge of an area Loyola Blakefield Loyola Blakefield –Towson –Baltimore Where in the world a certain place is found; Absolute and Relative

Human Environmental Interaction How humans and the environment have changed How humans and the environment have changed –How the environment has changed humans –How humans have changed the environment to suit their needs What are some examples of Human Environmental Interaction that you used today? What are some examples of Human Environmental Interaction that you used today?

Examples of H.E.I.

Region A large area that has common characteristics A large area that has common characteristics Physical (examples) Physical (examples) –Landforms –Climate Cultural (examples) Cultural (examples) –Religion –Language

Place What an area looks like in physical and human terms What an area looks like in physical and human terms –One particular area Physical Physical –Landforms –Soil –Climate Human Human –Cultural Region = Large Region = Large Place = Small Place = Small

Movement The transfer of peoples, goods, and ideas from one place to another. The transfer of peoples, goods, and ideas from one place to another. Cultural Diffusion Cultural Diffusion –Items from one cultural are used by another culture What causes Cultural Diffusion? What causes Cultural Diffusion? –Trade –Migration –Conquest –Religion

Exercises: Using the map at the front of the room, find the countries at the following degrees: Using the map at the front of the room, find the countries at the following degrees: n, 100 w n, 100 e n, 20 e n, 160 e s, 60 w s, 50 e What are Relative locations of the following areas: What are Relative locations of the following areas: 1. Baltimore 2. Wheeler Hall 3. Johns Hopkins University 4. Towson Mall 5. Catonsville