ISSUES - 1 Should all pupils learn algebra? Should all pupils learn the same algebra? Should there be a special curriculum for the most able pupils? What sort of continuity in algebra is essential as pupils/ students progress from primary school to lower secondary school, to upper secondary school, and to higher education or employment?
ISSUES - 2 What constitutes a ‘pre-algebra’ curriculum? How can ‘symbol sense’ be developed? What role can be assigned to technology? Does the use of technology require a new sort of algebra curriculum?
ISSUES - 3 What is the justification/rationale for an algebra curriculum for most pupils? To what extent should reasoning, explanation and proof be developed in school algebra? What role does algebra have in developing problem-solving skills? What is an absolute minimum requirement for a school algebra curriculum for most pupils? What support materials are needed to sustain an algebra curriculum for most pupils? What constitutes good assessment in algebra? What constitutes good pedagogy in the teaching (and learning) of algebra?
ISSUES - 4 Recruitment of teachers Teacher expertise Training of teachers Continuing professional development of teachers
RESEARCH “Key aspects of teaching algebra in schools” by John Mason and Ros Sutherland Research can help us understand how pupils Make distinctions Locate relationships Recognise components of objects Learn to question Learn to probe Learn to challenge Research should inform, not dictate