Colleges are concerned with GPA as well as curriculum. Students who take advanced coursework will score higher on the ACT. Colleges DO NOT know what diploma type you receive (beginning with the Class of 2017 there will only be one diploma type) Only take honors or AP classes if you have had the previous honors course OR a high “A” in the previous course. Follow your teachers’ recommendations concerning your course selection.
4 English 4 Math 4 Science 4 Social Studies 1 P.E. Life ½ Health 1 Computer/Career Literacy 3 Credit Combination of Arts Education, Foreign Language, or Career Technology (Students are encouraged to take two consecutive courses) Seniors take ACT WorkKeys Juniors take the ACT Sophomores take ACT Aspire
Advanced Math and Science must include Algebra II With Trig and Chemistry Two consecutive years of the same foreign language Minimum.5 credit of a fine art course Minimum 2 AP or Dual Enrollment/Duel Credit including one in a core academic area
HHS Schedule— 7 Credit Classes / 1 Enrichment Period English: English 9 or Honors English 9 Math: Algebra IA, Algebra I, Geometry, Honors Geometry Science: Biology, Honors Biology History: World History, Honors World History PE Life or Band (2 years of band) Career Preparedness Elective
College and Career Center (10 th -12 th ) CTE at Helena High (10 th -12 th ) Cooperative Education (11 th – 12 th ) Pass Career Prep Must be employed 10 hours per week
Honors Classes Advanced Placement Classes (AP) Dual Enrollment Program
Rigor Ability vs. Ambition/Determination Prerequisite Requirements Weighted GPA (Honors=.5/AP=1.0) Waiver Honors Curriculum Advanced Placement Curriculum AP Program Agreement
Jefferson State Community College Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit University of Montevallo College Ahead The University of Alabama Early College
() Refer to the online guide for specific information regarding pre- requisites, course descriptions, and sequencing options.
Impacts achievement Bring a note within 3 days of absence for it to be excused (This include check-ins and check outs). INOW blocks grade input on dates with unexcused absences. Please do not schedule trips during exam week. (Last week of school in December and May)
Studying Students should never “not have homework” They can review notes/study Time Management/Organization Use Agenda/Phone Balancing Extra Curricular/Social
Ex: Major Learning:Tests, Projects, Papers Ex: Quiz, Labs, Assignments Ex: homework, classwork Should include varied types of assessment as well as multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of skills & content.