Gli appunti capitolo 3 Da Capo


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Definite Articles in Italian
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How to use Definite Articles in Italiano.
Punto di partenza In Italian, as in English, a verb is a word denoting an action or a state of being. The subject of a verb is the person or thing that.
1.2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc Definite and indefinite articles must agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify. They vary.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.3B.1-1 Punto di partenza You have already learned some descriptive adjectives in Lezione 1B, and in Lezione 3A.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.6A.3-1 Punto di partenza Use the adverb ci to mean there or to replace certain prepositional phrases. Use the pronoun.
Punto di partenza In Lezione 2A, you learned how to form the present tense of -are verbs by attaching different endings to the stem. Conjugate regular.
Punto di partenza You have already learned some prepositions and prepositional contractions in Italian, such as di to show possession and alle when referring.
Punto di partenza Avere (To have) is an important and frequently used verb in Italian. Because it is an irregular verb, you will need to memorize its present.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.3B.2-1 Punto di partenza In Lezione 1B, you learned how to form yes-or-no questions and questions with interrogative.
Definite articles mean the There are four different ways to say the in Italian 1. la: feminine nouns that start with a consonant (la ragazza) 2. l: feminine.
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© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.9A.2-1 Punto di partenza Relative pronouns link two phrases together into a longer, more complex sentence. The.
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How to use Definite Articles in Italiano.
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Punto di partenza In Italian, as in English, a verb is a word denoting an action or a state of being. The subject of a verb is the person or thing that.
Subject pronouns In order to use verbs, you will need to learn about subject pronouns. A subject pronoun replaces the name or title of a person or thing.
How to use Definite Articles in Italiano.
Articles: Definite and Indefinite
Punto di partenza You already learned some descriptive adjectives in Lezione 1B, and in Lezione 3A you learned to use possessive adjectives. Descriptive.
Subject pronouns In order to use verbs, you will need to learn about subject pronouns. A subject pronoun replaces the name or title of a person or thing.
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Definite and Indefinite Articles
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©2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers.
Subject pronouns In order to use verbs, you will need to learn about subject pronouns. A subject pronoun replaces the name or title of a person or thing.
Definite and Indefinite Articles
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Presentation transcript:

Gli appunti capitolo 3 Da Capo L’articolo determinativo Preposizioni articolate Bello / Quello

Use of the definite article Used with continents, countries, rivers, states, provinces, large islands, mountains, lakes Lo stato di New York è grande. Used with days of the week to indicate a regular basis Mangio la pasta ogni venerdì.

Use of the definite article With proper names proceeded by a title. La Professoressa Perla lavora molto. Before names of languages unless they are proceeded by di or in. (all languages are masculine) Studiamo l’italiano. È scritto in italiano.

Use of the definite article Nouns as generalities or to designate an entire category. L’amore è qualche volta difficile. Le ragazze sono brave.

Use of the definite article Instead of the possessive pronoun you only use the definite article for body parts, clothing, and other personal items belonging to the subject. Lo zaino è di Piero. Lo zaino è grande.

Use of the definite article After the verb avere with nouns that describe a person physically. Lei ha i capelli biondi. La frutta costa 3 euro al kilo.

Use of the definite article

Prepositions Con only combines with the article in two instances con + il = col con + i = coi Io prendo il caffè con lo zucchero. Io prendo il caffè col latte. (con il latte)

Prepositions In used with places and rooms means in or to in campagna in salotto in montagna in biblioteca in città in giardino in paese in chiesa in cucina a teatro

Prepositions Alla radio Alla televisione Al telefono Sul giornale

Prepositions Vicino a invece di lontano da a destra di Davanti a a sinistra di Dietro a Prima di Oltre a Fino a