What Am I? By Brock Casper
There are 800 to 900 different species of me.
My nymphs are about the size of a period.
I live in woodlands and grasslands.
I am a blood sucking arachnid.
In Illinois, the adults are most active in April, May, and June.
My bite can kill in 4 to 5 days if I stay on my prey.
I can lay thousands of eggs at a time depending on my species.
When I am in the nymph stage I am most dangerous because I am extremely tiny.
A female can live 2 years, and a male can live 1 ½ years.
Adults are reddish brown and about 1/8 inch long.
There are two different kinds of me; hard and soft.
If I am full of blood I can weigh up to 200 times my normal weight.
What Am I?
I Am A … Tick.